Chapter Three

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     Y/n walked out of the bathroom, dressed in simple, and comfortable clothes. The memory of her as a child still fresh in her mind. Was it all a dream? She wondered to herself. It.. It had to be a dream.. She shook her head to attempt to get rid of the many thoughts that swirled her mind.

"I guess there is only one way to find out..." She gulped thinking about her plan.

The plan that would change her life.


Y/n rifled through Henry's Closet, Drawers, and even under his bed, Looking for the address of the studio. Finally, after finding.. More than what she wanted to, Y/n stumbled upon a picture of Henry and... "Who is that?" She said aloud, Looking at the picture quizzetly. The man besides her uncle looked so familiar.. Yet y/n couldn't place her tongue on his name. She pried her mind away from trying to figure the man's name out, And flipped the picture over.


"This is going to be interesting to find." y/n mumbled standing up with the picture and the address.


  After eating the pancakes, Those of which were a little too burnt, Y/n opened the old creaking mesh door, A map in hand ready to find the studio.

Henry took the only car to the store, So y/n had to walk.


About Forty five minutes of walking, an exhausted Y/n reached the destination of the birth place of Bendy.

With tired legs she walked into the creaking door. "It was left unlocked. How nice." She mumbled sarcastically entering cautiously into the abandoned seeming building.

A hhhghgghghewhehwjqjanmaq I'm so sorry for this late update, I will try my hardest to write more over the course of the few days. School is getting difficult and yeah ohnmehwjwna. As you could probably tell, I was tired at the end of this chapter, so I wanted to end it here before making myself sound like even more of an idiot lmao.

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