In the name of love

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All I ever wanted was to go to America and live my dream there, have a family but mom is always nagging about how we don't have enough money and how I should take a leap year. I am always telling her no and if she reaches into the savings that I will be able to make to America, in New York, get a job and help her. This is what happens except this fight was a tiny bit different.

"mom I need to go to America to finish school" I scream at my mom.

"no, Aaliyah we cant afford you just finished high school take a leap year and work it off" her mom says back to her.

"it will take longer than a year to save mom" I yell louder than before as I storm out of the house.

mom follow me out.

"Aaliyah come back here now" my mother demands

"no mom I cant live here any more I'm getting to old and so are you. Just. Just. Leave me alone" she yells.

A tear falls off of her mothers face like raindrop falling from a leaf.

"Look out" mom shouts

I was in a coma for a year I was told. I was also told I would never walk again but I don't believe them.

A few years later I decided to go to a rehabilitation center. Mom came into the room and said "honey I found the perfect rehab center"

I smiled

"but there is one thing"
"what" I say

"its" she pauses "in New York" she smiles

My face glows up like the sun in the sky. I cry.

A few days later Im in new York learning how to walk. Afterwards I go up to my room and wright a to do list and one of them is to fall in love.

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