⑰.⑤ - Mouth tied, words concealed

569 20 3

• spelling errors
• Kay got a BOYFRIEND!!
° 👉 🚪 👊 👏
• still single
• all polls and dms are closed for the next chapter idea. You can still send in ships, but not chapter ideas just yet. THANK YOU FOR ANYONE, WHO DID!
• uhhhh....here is the real news:

I can't update till Saturday, school has me wrapped it's fat fingers. Since it is the last week of the first nine weeks, all the Honors classes are trying to cram in projects. -.- it is so annoying!

I really want to update, but I don't have a lot of time to update. I want to, but that would cause extreme sleep deprivation and I already suffer from staying up late (2-5AM).

I really HATE doing this.

You may be rolling your eyes at the screen, because I am always late or delaying things. 

But I promise on my own life, if I had time to update, I would.

Trust me, I LOVE updating.

I love the sweet/funny/questionable comments, votes, I love my supporters, dedicated, going to be dedicated, I love all of it.

You guys somehow across a screen, maybe hundreds miles away, make me feel like I am wanted and loved.

From the time, I have been writing in this book, I have delt with loneiness, rumours, secrets, heartbreak, and somehow just somehow, you; my family made me feel loved.

When I was thinking of suicide, so close to it, I posted a chapter saying I couldn't update  and instantly got sweet/caring comments, and votes, I felt as though why let the bad get to you when you have  two amazing families there for you.
(My family and you guys)
[no pity]

I just finally have a place to call 'mine', but sadly a place; that hates and ridicules me is the place I am legally forced to go to.

I would rather spend everynight, cleaning my whole house top to bottom than go to school.

But that isn't an option.

Do you actually think I would rather be doing some boring hard history project, than writing a story about my one of my favorite bands? AHH WRONG! I wouldn't

I get DRESSCODED, IGNORED, and HATED on almost every single day at school. I would rather stab my thigh, every ten seconds than go to school, but I can't...

I can't give my life away when I was put on this Earth for a reason.

I will stop the rant there and say, I AM REALLY F'ING SORRY! (x273672726300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)

Ughh... I am literally such a flop. I hate myself so much.

I actually feel like crying, because the thing I hate (most) is keeping me from something I love.





Non edited. Hella spelling errors.

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