1. A New Beginning

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I inhaled deeply, a sting in my chest forced my eyes open. A bright light shone, temporarily blinding me.

Slowly, I blinked a few times but still couldn't adjust to the light. Suddenly the light faded and there was stone, cold, silver eyes staring back at me.

I jumped at the sight, and tried to open my mouth but he began laughing.

"Oh, good. You're awake, Hyde is going to be happy with you," his raspy voice spoke, and he moved away from my line of sight.

"I-I.. I'm supposed to be dead," I said, my voice scratchy.

"Oh yeah, you are. But not anymore, hun," he said.

His footsteps traveled across the room, and I heard typing on a computer and the sound of a faint symphony.

"So, it's Daniel. You were twenty, you graduated high school, almost continued to college. You had a boyfriend and a family," he said.

"H-How.. how did you know?" I asked, trying to sit up, but I felt numb.

"I had your memories copied onto this clicc. So, I'm going to turn you on your stomach and install your VCP in a few minutes. I need you to stand," he said.

His footsteps moved again to a different side of the room. Slowly I began to grow feeling into my shoulders and torso.

Eventually I had the strength to sit up, but my spine trembled under the pressure. I managed to force my legs over the table I was on.

My feet dangled but I still couldn't feel them, but I felt his eyes on me. Slowly, I pushed my self onto my trembling legs.

I stood in place like a baby deer, taking its steps for the first time. My legs couldn't stand my weight, and I fell to the ground.

A whimper escaped my mouth and he laughed.

"Sorry, hun, they all fall. But it's funny every time," he said.

Suddenly the lights went off, and I heard him growl out of frustration.

"Not again, you. Hide under the table.. I'll be back. If you move I will kill you," his voice said, and his footsteps continued.

A door opened and shut.

I finally began getting feeling back into my body and a loud male voice was heard from above.

"Emergency security system reboot. Report to your stations for information on the situation."

The door opened and there quick footsteps advancing around the room and over to the computer. There was another set of footsteps and a deeper, softer voice was heard.

"We gotta hurry, he'll be back," he said.

Suddenly the lights turned back on and two men with jackets and masks were standing at the computer.

I was frozen with fear, and shock. I couldn't run because I wouldn't make it far. They were mumbling and speaking to each other quickly.

Suddenly a whimper escaped my mouth and I held my breath. The larger one turned around quickly and instantly spotted me.

His eyes widened and he quickly walked over to me, and kneeled down. My body trembled and I felt tears prick my eyes.

"Pl-please don't hurt me," I whimpered.

He looked at me questionably and cupped my face and forced me to look up at him. His eyes watched the tear that streamed down my cheek.

He had the same silver eyes as the previous man.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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