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Everything in the world is beautiful and wonderful! I mean the prettites girl in the whole world is my girlfriend. Gaea is defeated, and there are no therats for the forseeable future. EVerything is prefect in the world. BOOM! Gods the fates hate me.

I was walking down the beach looking for Annabeth. Ever since the war with Gaea she had been acting strangly. Then I found at the beach by our spot. I perked up immedatly.

"Annabeth!" I called to her while picking up my pace. Whn I reached her I saw that she was crying.

"Annie what's wrong are you okay?" I asked immediatly going into protective boyfriend mode.

"I'm 'sniff' fine Percy," She said.

"Wise girl ypur crying," I pointed out.

"Percy there's something I have to tell you," She said suddenly. I cocked my head to the side. She opened her bulky jacket I gasped.

"Percy I wasn't faithful to you," She said with tears in her eyes, "My punishment form the Fates is that the man I was with not only died in the war but I'm pregnant with his baby." When she finished she broke into a freash set of tears.

"I'm so sorry Percy," She cried. I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her close into a hug.

"Shhh it's okay. It's okay," I soothed her.

"You aren't mad?" She asked.

"Wise Girl do you want the truth?" I asked she nodded I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, "I fell betryad (Spelling?) right now Annabeth. I mean you got together with another guy behind my back, I mean how many months in are you anyway?" I asked.

"Three," She whimpered.

"Annabeth I'm not going to dump you or yell at you because I know that you probably already beat yourself up about this. I just wish that you told me sooner. Because with how you have been acting around me for the past few months nobody is going to believe that this baby is mine, but that doesn't mean I won't be there for you," I told her while looking her straight in the eye. "I fact I want to be there for you and the baby who will always know that there real father was a hero," I said. Annabeth nodded.

"Your right I should have told you but the baby I just didn't know what the camp or you would think," She said tears building up. I pulled her close to me.

"I love you Wise Girl don't forget that," I told her.

Line Break

I tossed and turned in my bed. Thoughts kept swirling around my head. Annabeth is pregnant. The baby isn't mine. I fell hurt and betrayed but, I can't abandon Annabeth. She needs me right now. WHen I finally fell asleep a dream came to my mind.

I was standing in what looked like a hospital. I heard a scream and then a grental voice speaking even though I couldn't make out the words. Then the door burst open and Ares stood in the thershold. He said something but I couldn't make out the words. Then he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the throne room all the gods except for Artemis were present.

"Perseus Jackson we have found evidence in your cabin that you have betrayed Olympus! Is this true?" Zeus boomed.

"No Lord Zeus why would I betray Olympus? What would I have to gain?" I said.

"He is right Father we would gain nothing from betraying Olympus, besides his fatal flaw is loyalty," Athena spoke up. Several gods started agreeing with her including my father and Lady Hestia along with many more.

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