The Ballad of George Costanza

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'His name is George, he's unemployed, and he lives with his niece.. he had been released from prison after I bailed him out, my uncle had left prison a changed man..'

"Diane.. I am so glad to see you.." George said

"Uncle George. How did you get yourself into this mess?" I asked

"Never get arrested.." George said

"So, where are you planning on staying?" I asked

"I'll just stay at a hotel for a while until I can find a place.." George said

"Nonsense, you'll stay with me at my place. You're family after all." I said

"You would do that?" George asked

"You're my uncle, you would do the same for me." I said

"Diane.. thank you." George said

"Really, it's no trouble." I said, unlocking the door to my apartment

"Nice place.." George said

"There's a spare set of keys on the hook in the kitchen, they're yours.. make yourself at home." I said

"Thanks again, Diane." George said

"Where else were you gonna stay? You were pretty much out on the streets if I hadn't offered.." I said

"So, how's your love life doing? I heard you found someone.." George said

"Oh, the sad thing is it didn't really work out.." I said, my voice starting to break

"Diane.. do you wanna go get a coffee, talk about it? I can settle in later tonight." George said

"That sounds like a good idea." I said taking a deep breath

"Now, what happened?" George asked

"Uncle George, do you think I'm strange?" I asked

"My niece, strange? Is that why he called everything off?" George asked

"Yeah, he was a bit of an oddball himself." I said

"Define oddball.." George said

"He kissed like a Springer spaniel.. tongue all over the place.." I said

"Was he good looking at least?" George asked

"Oh, he was gorgeous.." I said

"When did you figure out that he was..?" George paused

"Our fifth date, it was the first kiss I would have had, then he whips out this cold wet slimy-- I can't continue with the details.. sometimes I can still feel his tongue all over my face." I said, cringing

"We've all had bad dates, Di. There'll be other guys who will love you, and some that will break your heart. You just need to get back on the horse." George said

"Thanks. I actually feel better." I said, taking another sip of coffee

'It was then I had seen Jerry Seinfeld and Elaine Benes walk into the coffee house..'

~End of Chapter One~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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