Chapter twenty-three

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Harry walked into DADA with Hermione and Ron trailing behind him. He didn't know what it was, but they had both been acting strangely towards him all through breakfast, and even now Harry could feel their glances on his back. He didn't know why Hermione had looked at him over her breakfast with a small, hidden smirk on her face, or why Ron was avoiding his eyes (and stabbing his food like he was personally offended by his eggs), but he wanted them to stop. Or at least tell him why they were acting so weird.

Harry sighs as he takes a seat where he normally sat. He had been dreading this class, considering the last one landed him curled next to his bed, struggling to breath. Ron sat next to him, albeit reluctantly —which made Harry drop his gaze to his desk with a frown— and Hermione took the seat next to her boyfriend. Harry barely caught Hermione slapping the red head lightly on the side of his arm out of his peripheral before he looked away; they were definitely acting very strange.

Professor Moore bustled into the room, dropping a pile of old leather books on her desk with a loud thud that made Harry jump. "Right! Today we will be going over a little known piece of magic called Emotion Wielding!" As she said this the words appeared behind her in the same messy, cursive writing as before. "Can anyone give me a definition for Emotion Wielding?"

Hermione hand shot up enthusiastically. Not surprising.

"Yes, Mrs Granger."

Hermione clears her throat and stands up. "Emotion Wielding is a rare form of magic where a wizards or witches magical energy can be amplified and manifested outside of their body during times where an emotion is very strong. For example; if a person is feeling strong feelings of anger their magic may manifests itself and break a nearby object, if they're feeling extremely happy, flowers may bloom nearby," Hermione finishes, a flush to her cheeks, sitting down.

The professor nods along to her words. "Well done Mrs Granger, ten points to Gryffindor," She turns towards the blackboard and Harry notices Hermione's broad grin from the corner of his eye. "Emotion Wielding is, like any other form of magic, extremely temperamental, as is anything that is solely controlled by ones emotions. But, for some it takes some months to learn, and others, it comes naturally. It's all controlled by how well your emotions are reined in, or perhaps, how wild they are. For emotion Wielding to work, you need to let go of your emotions, let them take control," Her gaze dances across the room, Harry shuffles nervously. "Sometimes a wizard or witch don't even realise they're doing it, and that is what I am here for. Emotion Wielding can be used against others in times of great anger or hate, and therefore can be used amazingly in both defensive and offensive magic. That is what we'll be learning today," Hermione's hand shoots up again. "Yes, Mrs Granger?"

"Isn't emotion Wielding banned by the ministry because of its reputation with the dark arts, professor?"

The woman gives Hermione a look that closely resembles admiration for a moment, before it vanishes. "Yes, it is. But because of certain circumstances the ministry has loosened its reigns slightly on certain types of magic, and therefore had allowed me to teach you this today. And although EW magic does have a certain stigma attached to it after certain dark wizards used it for dark means, that dies not mean it can't be used for good, too. Like you said, to make flowers bloom among other things that I will also teach you all. But today, we will stick to the defensive side to it and maybe later branch out into the other aspects of this art."

Hermione nods, seemingly satisfied.
Harry shuffles nervously again, his eyes trained to the dark wood of the desk. He didn't like the sound of emotion Wielding at all. Harry spend a good deal of his time making sure his emotions stayed in check, he didn't like the idea of 'letting them take control', much less in front of the whole class, for all to see. That made him feel more vulnerable than nearly anything else did, he barely did it in private because of the shame, how was he meant to practice harnessing his emotions to manifest themselves into magic, when he barely let himself feel any at all?

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