Tom was in an unknown place and the owner of the orphanage said this was the street of gold but it was not and Tom did not know that it was the wrong place so he went down the road and it looked Gerry normal then it looked even more normal after awhile shops and gold paint but he hid a dead end a wall that said this is a fake street of gold then he went back to leave but when he got to the entrance there was a gate and it was shut and locked with like 50000 locks so he had to find another way out so he looked and looked and looked but then we went and looked at the entrance someone else was coming so the gate was open and Tom told the other person "leave before the gate gets shut because there is no other way out and this is not the right street of gold it's fake" so they both ran out and pushed the orphanage owner in there and his keys fell on the ground then locked it cause they had the keys and Tom said tell us the security alarm code and we'll let you out. The orphanage owner said it was 2945 so Tom entered it and then the alarm was set then both people ran away monkeys friend just walked home then he saw something in the sky it looked yellow with a shine like gold!! So he ran home and just searched it on his laptop a d itmwas the correct street of gold not a fake one so he searched how to get up to it and the only way to get up is of you go to tadzard city's tallest building and there will be stairs but to open the door u need the gold key and there is only 4 left cause Tom already found 1 of them so he went and bought like 500 of the correct chocolate bars and found all 5 so now he can get out also. Then he went to the tallest building in tadzard city and there was the stairs he used 1 key and went up when he was up there was like 30 different ways to go he thought 'witch way should I try first' so he tried them all and none worked so he was stuck in a dead end what could he do now?