Chapter One

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-"Bro! Bro!"- Akko screamed looking for her brother.

-"What do you want, kiddo?"- Andrew smile coming out of his room.

He being older than her by a year, still had to look down at her.

-"Look!"- She showed him a Shiny Chariot concert post -"She is coming here!! We have to go! Please!!"- She begged with her puppy dog eyes.

Andrew groan -"We? I don't even like her"- He said rolling his eyes.

-"I know but mom can't take me, and dad is away, so in other words you are my last hope, please!!"- She argued.

-"What about your friend? Lotte? Didn't she had her driver licence?"- He asked almost giving up.

-"She can't take me, she is with her girlfriend and won't be able to take me"- Akko kept her puppy dogs eyes.

Andrew gave up, a smile appearing in his face -"Fine, but I have to take my girlfriend with us"- He said taking out his phone and typing something.

Akko's expression changed to a disgusted one -"Ugh, for real?? Why her? I don't like her"- She whined.

-"Don't care, I'm the one taking you and she is coming"- Andrew said sticking out his tongue to the girl.

-"Fine"- She scoff, before jumping up and down kissing the post in her hands -"I'm finally going to her concert"- She squeaked out.

-"Well, Want to come today with me? I'm gonna go pick my girl up and go and buy food"- Andrew said glancing up from his phone toward her.

-"Food!!!"- She screamed -"Alright!! But I am not going to be friendly with her"- She said crossing her arm in front of her.

-"Can't you give her a chance? She is not bad"- Andrew asked lifting an eyebrow.

-"Yeah, like the first three?? One that cheated on you, the other one was with you just for the money, and the other one was using you? What makes this one any different?"- She asked looking at him serious.

Andrew glanced to the side not wanting to meet her sisters eyes -"I just know"- he trailed off.

Akko pinched the bridge of her nose -"Look I'm your sister, my job is to hate you girlfriends, means I won't change my mind"- She finish turning around -"I'll go and put on my shoes"- she added skipping to her room.

Andrew shook his head -"She is a lost case"- He sighed out, entering his room picking up his keys.


-"Akko, you'll sit at the back when we get there"- Andrew said in a stern voice not glancing away from the road.

-"Whaaaaaat?"- Akko quickly said glancing to him away from her phone.

-"Don't 'what' me, you are going to the back seat and that's it"- Andrew finish glancing at her by the corner of his eyes.

Akko scoffed and placing on her earphones, looking throughout the window, mocking him.

-"I'm watching you"- he said.

Akko rolled her eyes and stopped, humming the song that she was hearing.

After a few more minutes they got to the girl's house, Andrew stopped the car.

-"Akko, Get to the back seat"- He said pushing her to gain her attention.

-"Yeah, yeah"- She said annoyed, getting her seatbelt off and opening the door.

She glanced up, her mouth opening slightly, her heart making a beat, and her cheek's burning a bit.

-"Akko"- Andrew called.

She ignored him, watching the blonde girl walk toward them, her blue eyes sparkling, a smile on her face waving at them.

-"Akko!"- Andrew called again.

This time Akko shook her head coming back to reality seeing that the girl was right in front of her.

-"Hi"- The blonde softly said.

Akko's blush grow, abruptly looking away -"D-Don't T-Talk to me"- She stutter out, stepping away from the door, going to the back seat, slumping herself there after closing the door.

-"Ignore her"- She heard Andrew said, as the girl got on.

-"Did I did something wrong?"- She asked concerned looking toward Akko.

Andrew looks toward the back -"Nop, she said is her job to hate my girlfriends"- He shrugged off before starting the car.

-"Oh"- She simply said, analyzing the information.

Akko glanced behind her, looking at the blonde, her breathing becoming harder -"Fuck"- She mumbles to herself the moment her red ruby eyes meet with blue esmerald one.

My brother's GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now