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"I think of his beautiful light green eyes, and the way he said'you don't need to be fixed' and the warmth of his hands and the softness of his li-"


The loud voice of someone calling my name made me turn my head up from the book I was reading and was absolutely in love with.

Under normal circumstances, I would have ignored the person or told them to talk to me later but then I realized that this was my dad's voice.And this realization had me jumping up from my place in the bed with a thumping heart and suddenly dry lips.

"C-C-Coming."I tried to reply and cringed on hearing my pathetic voice.Trust my body to betray me at the most crucial times.

I bounced down the stairs and stumbled a couple of times because of all the jitters I was feeling.I mentally recalled everything I did the past week to see if I did something wrong or crazy and a frown took over my face when I realized that nothing wrong happened this past week or the week before.(Apart from the ice cream incident, but there's no way dad would know about that because I had a nice talk with the other kid she pinky promised me  that nobody would know about this)

'Then why is dad calling us?" my wolf Avis whispered.She too like me was scared of dad.

I jumped over the last two stairs and cringed when it made a noise louder than I had expected.I turned left to enter the living room and met my dad with an irritated look on his face and a man who looked in his fifties.

"Well, Matt your daughter is a bit slow for a werewolf, I must say.Unless of course she purposely wanted to delay our meeting."He chuckled.

And I realized that even though he had a bad sense of humor, he meant no harm.And the fact that he called my dad 'Matt' also indicated that he's a good friend.Well, that's a first.

Nevertheless, the comment had my dad's and my face go red.His, because of anger and mine because that's what my body does to me sometimes even during the slightest of embarrassing situations.

"Meet Daniel, he's a good friend.We were together in school."I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the introduction.It was so like my dad introduce his friend like this.

"Hi, I'm Elentia, a pleasure to meet you."I extended my hand for him to shake.

His face broke into a grin as he replied"oh, the pleasure's all mine kiddo.I've been waiting for so long to meet the Omega girl.It isn't as if we come across one on a daily basis now, do we? "

My dad gave him a forced smile and looked over at the door to see my brothers entering the house.

"Come on dad, everyone's looking for you at the palace.Something about the patrolling duties."My eldest brother Vince called out.

"Oh,yeah.totally forgot.You guys go ahead we'll be there in a minute."Dad replied smiling.For a second I thought by 'we' he meant me and him but then I realized that he meant him and Daniel.

"We called you because your dad told me that you graduated this week so I have a proposal for you."Daniel continued"I work at the palaces of the alphas around the area minding the decoration and catering of the balls and their parties.I thought it'd be great if you come and work with me at the palace.You'll get a salary and it'd be a nice experience.What do you think?"

I smiled at the thought of this job and began shaking my head in a NO because I had an art course in mind in a college near the area when I heard my father speak"Of course she will.It'd be a matter of pride for me if my daughter can do something for the alpha and his family.She's ready."

Hearing this my eyes widened as I began to protest but then I glanced at my dad's eyes.For the first time in my life, I noticed this gleam in his eyes, full of pride and dare I say it, love?

Maybe it was because I had lived my entire life just to see this look in his eyes when he looks at me or maybe it was because this was the only thing in my life dad had indirectly told me to do or maybe it was because for once in my life I felt his authority over me.All the things I yearned for in these past years flickered across his eyes even if it was just for a second.

I took a deep breath and said"Of course.It'd be an honor."

"Great then, you start tomorrow."And I nodded at Daniel.

They all then left quickly.My brothers, dad, and Daniel.From the window, I saw Dad slinging a hand over Ethan's shoulders and talking to each other, Vince passed a comment I think because everyone chuckled, including dad.

It wasn't much.Heck, it was nothing.

So I don't know why when I turned to go back to my room, I felt tears pool my eyes.I blinked my eyes rapidly trying to control these traitorous drops of saltwater as I climbed the steps to my room.

To resume the book I was reading before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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