Chapter 1

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     "Hey Tiffany," a voice called out to me. 

     I turned around and saw my best friend, Haley standing behind me with a huge grin on her face. "Hey. What's up?" 

     "I just got invited to Zachary Tipton's party on Saturday," she said. She couldn't quit smiling.

     "Awe, good for you. Are you going to go?" Parties weren't really my thing.

     "Hell yeah! You should come with me. It'll be so much fun!" 

     "Nah, I'm okay. Thanks anyways though. You go enjoy it."

     "Suit yourself. You're going to miss out on all the fun." With that, she turned around and walked away. Her blonde hair bounced with every step she took.

     As I made my way towards my car, my phone began to vibrate. I paused and reached inside my backpack to grab it. 


     "Hey Tiff," my mother said on the other end.

     "Oh hey mom," I said.

     "Where are you?"

     "I am about to be heading home. Why?"

     "Could you stop and pick up a few things for me at the store?"

     I knew she wanted something; she never just called to talk to me- to see how my day was going. "Sure mom. What do you need?"

     "I'll text it to you," she said. 

     "Okay. Well, how wa-" She hung up.

     Well then. I love you, too, Mom.

     In just a matter of minutes, my phone buzzed again with my mother's list: milk, bread, cereal, water, apples, and butter.

     I sat my books and backpack in my passenger seat and took off down the highway towards the store. 

     I quickly got her items and headed for her house. When I pulled into her driveway, I noticed another vehicle was there. Who could that be?  I knocked on the door with my foot since my hands were full of groceries. My mom answered the door. 

      "Thank you, sweet heart." Instead of grabbing the groceries, she scooted aside for me to walk in and put the groceries up in the kitchen. 

      I quickly figured out whose car that belonged to- a random woman in which I've never seen before. I ignored her presence and sat the groceries down on the island. The milk fell on its side.

     "Tiffany, I want you to meet Susan." 

      The stranger and I exchanged looks. "Hi," I said with a pathetic smile.

      She returned the smile. Her brown hair fell down her back, and her blue eyes glistened in the kitchen light. 

      "Susan, this is Tiffany, my oldest daughter." My mother seemed so proud.

     "It is so nice to finally meet you, Tiffany." The stranger seemed nice.

     "You too." Who was this woman, and how did she connect to my mother? "Anything else you need, Mom?"

      "That should be it. Thanks again," she said as she came closer for a hug.

      I hugged her back and headed home. I pulled into the garage and shut off my car. Before making my way up to my room, I grabbed an orange out of the fridge. 

      I set my stuff down on my computer chair and quickly changed into sweats and a tank top. I had way too much homework in calculus to catch up on. After being out for a week for surgery, I had to get my crap together. 

      For the next hour and a half, I dug deep into my textbook and notes. A knock at my front door broke my concentration. Ugh! Who could it be? The guys weren't supposed to be here for another hour. I pushed my homework aside and headed for the front door. I was surprised to see Jacob Dye at my front door. 

      "Oh. Hi there," I said.

      "Is Grey home?" He asked.

      Grey, my brother was still at baseball practice. "No, not yet. He's still at the fields." 

      "Oh okay. Well, will you tell him I stopped by?" 

      "Sure thing. Actually, do you just want to come in and wait for him? He should be home in about thirty minutes." Please please please say yes.

     "Sure if that isn't a problem." 

      "Not at all. Please. Come in." I closed the door behind me and offered him something to drink.

     "Do you have any Coke?" 

     "Of course," I said. I grabbed him a can. "Here you go." 

      With a smile, he thanked me. 

      I returned the smile. God, he was so cute. I caught myself staring a little too long. I broke the awkward silence with a "Do you play video games?"

     "I use to. Not really anymore," he said. "I could start again though."

     "We have an Xbox or a PS4. Which do you like more?"

      "PS4," he said. 

     "Okay, follow me." He followed me up the stairs into the game room. 

      "Dang," he said. "You guys have a lot of stuff." He looked all around the room with pure amazement. 

     I grabbed the games out from under the TV, giving him a choice on what game he wanted to play. He chose NBA 2k17. Of course you would choose the game I suck at the most, I thought. I inserted it in and turned on the TV. 

      After losing all three games, Grey arrived home and met us upstairs. "Oh hey, Jacob. What're you doing here?" Curious, he looked at both me and Jacob.

      "I was waiting until you got home. I stopped by to give you that thing." 

      What thing?

     Grey even looked confused until it hit him. "Oh. That thing. Got it." 

     "Yeah. It is in my car right now. Come with me outside, and I will give it to you." They both left the room and went outside. I followed behind but watched from inside. I couldn't see what they exchanged from behind the door. It couldn't be good though. 

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