Chapter 6: What is left?

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*Moments later*

-Yunseo's POV-

You went towards your house when you finally relaxed a little bit, you were arriving, and you were glad that Riker was at work because you didn't want to see him. You got inside, and you went quickly to your room, then you laid down in your bed. You started to see your phone, and you had texts and missing calls from Kihyun.

I bet you're worried.

You thought as you started to call him.

-Yunseo! Finally, where were you? I was so concerned! – Kihyun said worriedly.

-Hey, don't worry, I'm okay, sorry for not answering. – You said as you got up and locked your door.

-Did Riker make you something? – Kihyun asked.

-Yes, but I'm fine, he wasn't able to hurt me that much. – You said as you sat down on your bed.

-I knew it. That's why you were. - You interrupted him.

-Afraid at college? Yes. Sorry, if I didn't tell you earlier, but I couldn't find the words to say this to you.

-Don't worry. Yun, the thing here is that you informed me about it. Anyways, you need to get the hell out of that house. – Kihyun said seriously.

-Kihyun, I can't, this house is the only thing left I have from my sister. – You said sadly.

-But Yunseo, he might hurt you again, and I'm not going to leave you there. – Kihyun said worriedly.

-Listen. I'm going to be alright, and I'm going to be better if you stay calm. - You assured.

-But Yunseo, please let me. - You interrupted him.

-Kihyun! I appreciate that you want to help me out, but I can't let him harm you. I don't want to lose my best friend, and after all, you can't put yourself in risk, you have to think about the members and Monbebes. - You said, concerned.

-Alright, but remember that I'm here for you. - Kihyun spoke.

-Thank you Kihyun, I'll see you later. - You said.

-See you around, Yunseo. - Kihyun said before ending the call.

I know you want to help me, but I can't let anything serious happen to you.

-Wonho's POV-

I'm out of my brother's house waiting for him to arrive, I need to be sure that he's not going to harm Yunseo again. I see my brother walking towards the entrance of his house. So, I grabbed my car keys, went out of the car, and started to walk towards him.

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