Unexpected Sir-prise

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Dashie's POV

I got a text message. I opened it and read it:

Hello Rainbow Dash,

We have some important news for you. We have heard about your experiences of fighting off the bad and having an amazing skill of sports. We are glad to say that your application was accepted and you have been accepted into Wonderbolts Academy! You're training will start in a week!

Kind Regards

Wonderbolts HQ
but now I have to move back to Cloudsdale, it is a win-lose situation right now.

I decided to call my friends and tell them, I'm too lazy to explain the conversation but they were sad but happy that I got in. I drove to Twilight's house where everyone was and I said goodbye to them personally. I still will be seeing them but just not as much. Then I drove back home and walked over to Soarin's house and knocked.
"Hey My lil Dashie!" He said and kissed me on the forehead.
"Hey.." I said feeling down.
His smirk faded, "what's wrong babe?" He asked.
"I-I have to m-move away from C-Candalot.." I said, tearing up. "Why?" He said hugging me with watery eyes.
I wipes away my tears with my arm. "I got accepted into the Wonderbolts Academy" I said.
"That's amazing! You should totally go, don't worry about me, I'll probs just continue my career in singing." He said being happy, although I could see in his eyes that he doesn't want me to go.
"Thanks f-for supporting me with everything" I said wiping away my tears.
"It's what boyfriends do" he said and hugged me.
"I-I love you" I said and kissed him.
He pulled away and said "I love you too Dashie" and he continued kissing. We kissed for around half an hour.
I broke away from the kiss and smiled at him, then I hugged him tightly.
"Hey Dash, when do you leave?" He asked
"Next week" I said.
Soarin's POV
It was the day that Dash was moving, I walked over and helped her with her luggage. After she stared into my eyes, I stared back. Then she kissed me on the lips and I kissed her. Then I broke away because she needed to go.
She cried as she waved and got into the uber. I cried back AND I ACTUALLY CRIED!
Dashie's POV
It was hard to say goodbye but I got over it. I arrived at the airport and went on a 2 hour plane to Cloudsdale. When I arrived, the place was amazing. I saw a guy with a sign with my name on it. Must be my driver. So I went with the guy and he drove me to Wonderbolts HQ. The place was breathtaking. Like it literally took my breath away and I was chocking lol. The guy escorted me to the dorms and pointed to 194. I went in and had a look. It was an awesome room but I think I had a roommate. She had purple hair with four shades of purple in it, she had a scar on her eye, one eye was blue and the other was yellow. She had a white shirt and black leggings. She had a bandage on her leg.
"Hi" I said. She was reading a book and she looked over at me
"Hi!" She said.
"You must be my new roommate, Rainbow Dash right?" She said.
"Yep that's me!" I said.
"Well my name is Skye!" She said
This is the oc of azuraskye shoutout to her!

"You should meet my friend" Skye said.
"Ok!" I said and followed her. She knocked on the dorm on the right to us. Someone opened the door and allowed us to come in.
"Dash, meet my friend Jade Dipsy!" Skye said.
Jade had wavy green long hair with two streaks of blue in her hair. She wore a shirt that was blue and had no shoulders in it. She had shorts and black high tops. She wore grey headphones around her neck and had a gamer controller on her shirt. She had blue eyes just like Pinkie Pies eyes.
This is my oc
We all chatted and talked.
Then the guy escorted all of us to the soccer fields there was Spitfire and Fleetfoot. Then did the usual training stuff for soccer. Jade wasn't really good at it and she fell over a lot but she laughed every time. Skye was pretty decent but I was awesome!
After practise everyone patted me on the back and so did Jade and Skye. After spitfire called me back.
"You got some good talent kid" Spitfire said. O M G I CANT BELIEVE SHE IS ACTUALLY TALKING TO ME EEEEK!!
"Yeah, you could definitely have a potential at this academy," Fleetfoot said.
"If you come to the soccer fields tomorrow while everyone is at the Welcome ceremony, and you show us your skills, we will guarantee you a spot in the academy." Spitfire replied.
"Yes Ma'am I'll be there!" I said.
"Great!" Spitfire said and patted my shoulder as she walked off.
"You'll do great" Fleetfoot whispered as they walked off.
I walked back to my dorm. The two girls were sitting there. I told them everything and they fangirled.
"Anyways, you were invited to the party, Fleetfoot hosted." Jade said.
"Why not you guys?"
"Cuz your the one that Spit and Fleet liked." Skye said.
Ok. I dressed into a party dress

Not really a dress but it will do

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Not really a dress but it will do.
So I arrived at the party and there were a lot of people. I walked my way through the crowd and walked over to Fleetfoot.
"GREAT PARTY" I shouted over the amount of noise,
"THANKS, SO GLAD YOU COULD MAKE IT!" She shouted back.
"OK" she replied.
I, once again was making my way through the crowd and I tripped over someone. "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!" I said and got up I walked away but I felt someone grab my waist and tried to kiss me, it was a random drunk guy so I yelled. "GET YOU FUCKING HANDS OFF OF ME!" I yelled. Then I felt someone grab my hand and push the guy over. I looked back.. SOARIN!?!?

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