20 - Final Chapter

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Six years later...

"Baby? Can you pass me the pancakes please?" Lexa asked her wife.

"I've got it!" Their four year old daughter shouted before grabbing the plate full of pancakes.

The weak little girl tried her best to pass to heavy plate to her mommy, but the weight was too much causing her to drop the plate on the floor.

"OH-I'm sorry mommy!" Elina squealed and tried helping to the clean to mess up

"Lina, don't touch that! You'll cut your fingers" Lexa said as she quickly picked up her daughter.

Clarke began to clean up the broken glass and sticky pancakes as Lexa attended to their children. It took almost two years before they finally found out that Clarke was pregnant with Elina, Clarke's eggs weren't the strongest but once they finally managed to combine Lexa and Clarke's eggs, the pregnancy was almost instant.

"Mama!" E-Jay smiled happily as Lexa picked him up out of his baby chair.

E-Jay had only just turned one and was carried by Lexa, after a lot of convincing. Lexa squeezed her son and daughter and kissed both of their temples. The two had never been so happy in their lives, Lexa was still a soccer star and didn't see her giving up the sport anytime soon and Clarke was still teaching.

"What are we doing today then?" Lexa asked her family and Clarke shook her head.

"Park!" Elina squealed and jumped off her mothers lap.

"Again? Nothing original with you" The green eyed girl laughed.

Their children had opposite appearances. Elina had bright Green eyes and dirty-blonde hair, E-Jay had blue eyes and brown hair. But they still looked alike.

"How about we go someplace special? Do something different?" Clarke suggested.

"I'm cool with that." Lexa smiled.

Clarke cooked up some more pancakes and the family ate together. After they ate, Lexa cleaned up and Clarke got their children ready for the day out.

"How about we go see your Mom? We haven't seen her in a while?" Lexa asked.

"It's quite a drive, plus with the kids it'll be hard to keep them entertained and everything." Clarke protested.

"Well if you drive then I can keep the kids entertained" The brunette grabbed her wife's hip and smiled.

"Fine! But you better keep them entertained, I don't want to hear any screaming" Clarke pointed at Lexa and then pecked her lips.

Clarke got herself ready for the journey, as Lexa was clothing and cleaning their children up, ready to see their Nana.

Elina and E-Jay seemed exited to visit her, they don't visit a lot due to them always working and then attending to their children. But it's family right, they get it.

Clarke grabbed the car keys and checked over the bags Lexa had packed, not trusting that her significant other had everything packed.

"Of course not" She said to herself.

Clarke walked over to the fridge to grab the packed lunches. She put them in the separate bags and walked over to the hallway, only to have her heart melted.

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