Purple Leader Matt x F/C Leader

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F/C is favorite color. (Art wasn't made by me, but it's good!! Credit to the artist.)
I don't know much about Matt being a leader, so I'm doing what I think is right.
*This is the last chapter for those who skimmed through the previous chapter. There will be a new Eddsworld x Reader though, stay tuned.

Matt wasn't suited to be a leader is what most of the gossip was about. He was more of a passionate guy and seemed to only care/fend for himself. To make this short, the Purple Leader was fighting against the F/C Leader. She was fierce and strong, which made him admire her even more. The F/C Leader's beauty was too sustainable for even the Purple Leader himself to handle. He wanted peace, he did not want to fight. 

Matt's POV

"Leader." Silence. "My leader." More silence. "Sir, the enemy is attacking us and we need you to act upon the stationary, please." I didn't reply to my friend, who was commander of my army. I know him better as 'Green Leader' or just Edd. He shook my arm as I turned around in my rolling chair, a small handheld mirror in my hand. I asked a single question to determine what we should do.
"Are they inside the base?" Edd turned and glanced out the window. 
"..." Silence, once again, well, until Edd spoke again. "They're not inside here, but outside the base they are. Tom has prepared the infantry, and we need your permission to launch whatever we have." I nodded in response and grabbed his coat, setting the mirror gently into the lower abdomen of my desk. "Go attend to your duties, Green Leader. I can sort out everything here and I will meet you in the main hall at," I glanced at the watch that was strapped upon my freckled wrist, "strictly eight." 
Edd made his body turn and walked out the door, noting me with a loud and clear aphorism. "Yes, sir."

Reader POV

I did it, I made it into the Purple Leader's base without being caught by any of his infantry. I snuck through the main hall and was content to make it to his office. Where ever it was. His partner in crime (Edd) almost caught me, but I slid past him and was face to face with the Purple Leader's door. I pulled out my pistol and turned the knob gently.
As I opened it...the room was empty. 

Re-Reader POV

Matt was behind the door as he grabbed his own pistol, waiting for the F/C Leader to snoop around the room so he could lock the door. As she did so, he shut the door with his foot and locked the door shut. Startled, the girl shot the gun at Matt but had missed.
"Easy! I just want to talk!" The sound was absent as they stared at each other.
"You killed half of my troops," she started. "And you killed half of MY troops, how do you think I feel? I don't want to fight, haven't you seen us surrender over a million times?" At this point, Matt was a little furious with her but had wanted to make his point. 
"..I don't even know why we're fighting anymore..." she lowered her pistol and so did Matt. "I don't know why we're fighting either." 

Reader POV

"I don't know why we're fighting either," he said to me. We were both silent and casually made glances to one another until I dropped my weapon onto the ground and held out my hand. 
"There's still time to fix this and create peace," the Purple Leader looked at my hand before hesitantly setting down his weapon. Once he set it down, he reached out for my hand as we locked grips and outside onto the battlefield. With a loud voice, the Purple Leader spoke first with his hand still intertwined with my own. 
"Infantry!" He yelled with a roar, his own army looking at him in surprise as my own troops had jaw dropped seeing the two of us holding hands. "We have no reason to fight anymore," I spoke with him, "so what reason do we have to continue doing so?" Everything was dim and the once gloomy sky seemed to turn into a blue fluffy sky. We ordered our troops to shake hands with one another. 

Tom's POV

Once everyone stopped fighting, I was slightly enraged until I found my commander, Matt. 
"What the hell is going on with everyone?" I walked up to him in surprise to find him locking hands with the enemies known follower, F/C Leader. I pointed my gun at her in case anything happened out of pure demolition of her devilish instincts. 
"Tom set down your weapon," I watched as the 'enemy' held her hands up in defeat. Matt let go of her hand and slowly took away my pistol. "We're declaring peace with one another," Matt said firmly. He smiled as I clenched my fists. "Are you an idiot? Is this some sort of joking matter? (No pun intended) The engraved smile on Matt's face turned into a dim frown before he shook his head to indicate that this wasn't a joke. "They're clearly trying to mess with our heads Matt, you don't want to be killed do you?" Just before I could say another word, I was stopped. 
"Mr. Ridgewell!" (You knew his last name because of the name tag he is wearing)  I looked at the F/C Leader. She crossed her arms and tried to cope with me. "I sincerely hope that you understand we have declared peace on one another. There is too much war in the world and we have decided to stop this nonsense. Can't you be proud of your army rather than doubt it and continue fighting?" ...We were all silent until I bowed my head and apologized. 
"I guess you're right...I had no clue what I was thinking. I am proud of this, it's probably the first time Matt has ever done anything right." Matt stirred, "hey!" 
With that, we went our ways for the meantime. I decided to reward myself with some Smirnoff if you know what I mean. 

Re-Reader POV

It had been about three years now that the Purple army was reinforced with the F/C army. Matt learned that the F/C Leader's name was Y/N, and the F/C Leader learned the Purple Leader's name. All was well until one fateful day that Matt had one question on his mind. A question he for some reason alway's wondered, despite being against the F/C army a couple years ago. 
Matt took Y/N's hands into his and smiled, asking a simple, yet sweetish question. 
"[First name, middle name, last name], will you put aside our differences in the past to convince yourself to be my love? Now and forever?" 
..Y/N was flabbergasted as she smiled and replied with an ever-so-happy expression. "Yes Matt, I would love to. Now, and forever." 
They leaned over and kissed each other. And from that day forth, they lived happily ever after. 

The end.

A new Eddsworld x Reader book will be out soon! Stay tuned for more or I'll destroy YOUR next Christmas! ~Thomas 

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