Chapter 6: Wheelchair and Getting ready for the Birthday Ball

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{Picture of Mary's wheelchair, up top.} 

Francis POV

Mary's wheelchair should be here soon.

 I can't wait to see the look on her face.

A servant comes up to me, while I and Mary are eating lunch. He whispers in my ear. "The Queens wheelchair is here, my King," he tells me, I nod and he leaves the room. "Mary, I have a surprise for you, after your done eating," I say and she smiles.

 After she eats, I pick her up and carry her into the throne room. "What do you think?" I ask her. "It's wonderful, Francis. But what is it?" she asks me, "It's a wheelchair. It will help you get around the castle. So, me, Greer, Kenna, Lola, Bash, Claude or my mother can push you around the castle. But at the stairs, two servants will have to help you. One will pick you up and carry you up the stairs, while the other carry's your wheelchair." I tell her.  

"Okay, can we try it out?" she asks me, I nod. "Yes, here let me help you," I tell her, she just laughs. I sit her in the wheelchair and she takes each of her legs and adjusts them, by picking them up with her hands. 

"Can I get a pillow for my back and a blanket? I'm a little chilly," she asks me. "Of course. Anything for my Queen." I say and she laughs.

Mary POV

After Francis comes back with my pillow, I place it behind my back.

Then, he covers me up with my blanket.

 "Thank you," I say. "Now, where do you want to go first?" he asks me. 

"Can we go to our new chambers?" I ask him. "Of course. I just need to get a servant real quick," he tells me, just then we see Leith one of our servants. "Leith?" Francis calls. "Yes, my King?" he asks. "Can you carry Mary's wheelchair up the stairs?" he asks him, he nods. Francis wraps me up in the blanket and picks me up. Leith rolls my wheelchair down the corridor until we reach the stairs. Then, he picks it up, like it's nothing. Francis starts going up the stairs and Leith follows us. 

When we reach the top of the stairs, Leith sets my wheelchair down and then, Francis sits me back in it. "Thank you, Leith," he says. "Of course," he says and then leaves.

Francis grabs the handle on the back of my wheelchair and we head towards our chambers. 

When we enter, Francis helps me lay on the bed, then he lays beside me on the other side.  He leans in for a kiss and kisses me passionately. "Mmm, Francis," I say, as he put his hand up my nightgown. "Mm, Mary. I love you so much," he tells me, I smile in the kiss. 

He puts his hand further up and reaches my underwear and starts playing with the silky hem. 

He gets on top of me and when he does, I pull at his shirt. He takes it off and helps me take off my nightgown, when I look down at my chest, I see writing that says, 'bitch.' "Francis! What's on my chest?" I say, almost screaming. "Uh, Mary. I didn't want to tell you this because you don't remember, but Protestants broke into the castle, a few weeks ago and raped you," he said, looking for my reaction. "Oh, okay," I say, going back to kissing him. 

He takes his pants off and he enters me. I wish I could feel it, but I can't. 

After an hour, Francis rolled over and was out of breath. He turns to look at me and cups my chin with his hands. "I hope you get pregnant," he says. "Me too. Just think, a castle full of little royals running everywhere." I say, laughing. 

"I have to go. I have a surprise for you tonight," he says, as he gets up and gets dressed. After, he walks up to the bed and kisses my forehead lightly. "Well, have fun and I can't wait to see what it is," I say. "I'll have Lola, Kenna, and Greer come in and help you get a bath and get dressed," he tells me, I nod and he leaves the room. Soon after, Lola, Kenna, and Greer come in with two maids. The maids go into the bathroom and start the bath water, while they come to me.

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