I called out into the distance
for help and you echoed back
with compassion.
Not knowing what happens next
I start to fall down to my knees
hoping you'd be there to catch me.
Strangers brought together on a whim.
I found my words hiding behind a castle in the sky,
I plead with you to fight and ascend to our newfound home.
Be my killer queen.
Now years have passed since our collision
Was it worth it to bring you here?
We shared this domain and lost everything
In the war... My heart is breaking along with these walls.
Contemplating jumping from the peak
Knowing the fall won't kill me.
I take one last look before my new journey
Your eyes filled to the brim with tears,
I can't stand to see you hurt.
We are toxic, poisonous,
Drunk in love.
The debate continues to the ledge
We're going home.