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Luna is in a coma. That is what the paramedic said straight away.
"Will she wake up?" I said almost right after him.
"We don't know," the paramedic said in a soft tone. He was saying it like I was 5 and didn't know that she might not wake up and didn't know that she was seriously ill. I was getting annoyed just standing there. Luna was dying.
"I'M NOT 5!" I yelled at him.
"Zane, honey, I know your upset but don't take it out on the poor guy!" Mom is trying to comfort me but I flick her hand away and run up to our room. I normally find refuge there but Luna isn't sat on her bed singing to an emo song and writing her own lyrics. She isn't swinging her legs from the top bunk and hitting me in the face every so often. She isn't yelling at me because I'm being annoying and mimicking her singing.
I hit the wall with my fist and tell
"WHY ISN'T SHE HERE!" My voice cracks and I slither to the floor and cry, head in my hands wishing that I could hear Luna singing an emo song...

Mom sat head in her hands crying after Luna was wheeled away on a stretcher. Then suddenly there was a loud thud and Zane yelling. He was upset, he had just lost his twin for a while so I can see why he had just broken down.
"Mom I need to help Zane," I said to her
"Just go and help shut your brother up and tell him to get his butt out of this house or shut his face up!" She yelled annoyed at Zane's screams for help.
I know he hates life without Luna and any time she's away he crumbles to pieces and needs serious help. Mom ignores that and only pretends to be nice to Zane when people are around. She's all beauty no feeling. Luna is like a doll for her to make look cute and pretty. She doesn't love her but pretends to. I went up to Zane and knocked on his door.
"Leave me alone!" He said as if he had been crying
"It's fine Zane I'm here now." I tried to comfort him
We sat on the floor as I comfort him
"We've gotta have hope okay?"
"Yes, we definitely do."

I walked with Laurence for a while, trying to explain who I was and how I know him.
"So you say I'm your brother's best friend?" He asked me. His green eyes were filled with wonder and I knew he was the Laurence from home, just not himself anymore. He said his name was Remè Rabbit also referred to as The White Rabbit, his home was Wonderland and they all lived happily in this place.
"We only saw you arrive because you fell from the sky like an angel." He said

And I remembered falling


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