Getting Out of Atlanta

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I panted as I ran from a couple of the rotters. I was on the sidewalk, trying to stick to the shadows and not bring any attention, but of course, a few spotted me because I stepped on something, and that  something whimpered, drawing some of the rotter's attention, and now after me, as well as the animal I stepped on.

I managed to find a door to a building, so I opened it, the animal dashing in as well, before I closed it, blocking it with a desk next to the door. That should hold them for a while.

I turned towards the animal, a dog, who was panting and looked sad and hungry. I felt pity. It had been surviving on its own for a while, and I dragged it into some trouble.

"Hey. Hey, come here" I cooed, crouching and reaching out a hand. If it weren't so skinny and unhealthy looking, it would have been a beautiful dog. It had golden fur, though it was shaggy and had black fur around it's shoulders. It also had a longish neck and floppy ears with the tips black as well. I was guessing from the pattern it was a mix with a German Shepherd, and from the golden fur and features, a Golden Retriever. A Golden Shepherd.

I smiled when it crawled over and picked my hand, though it jumped and backed away when there was banging on the door.

I scooted forward, and the dog huddled into me. I smiled gently, and looked under it's belly. "Well, your a male. I think I'll call you Anubis" I said to it. I looked through my bag, and found a few pieces of dry meat. I held it out to Anubis and he ate it right away. He licked my face and wagged his tail.

"Were you a stray too?" I asked. He licked me again, and patted his head. "Don't worry. I'll protect you" I said, and got up, causing Anubis to whimper. "It's okay. Come on" I said, patting my leg, and walking towards the stairs. Thankfully, he followed. We went up the roof, and we were tired when we got up there.

I surveyed the area, and Anubis jumped so his front paws were next to my hands that were resting on the side of the roof.

I looked down, and saw that the rotters were moving in the opposite direction I wanted to go. I sighed of relief, though I felt bad for the poor creature having to endure the fact they're being eaten alive.

"Come on, Anubis" I said, running down the stairs again. I reached the door and moved the desk. I opened, and looked around. No rotters were in sight, and there was a car across the street I could hot wire.

"Come on, Anubis" I whispered, and I ran to the car, keeping an eye out. I opened the door, and he climbed in. I went around, and rushed to the driver's seat. I bent down, and worked with the wires until the car started up. I sighed of relief, and pulled the car out of Parking and into Forward. I stepped on the gas, and made my way through and out of the city.

My name is Charlie Lottie. I have dirty blond hair, green eyes, and I am quite short, though my few childhood friends were giants compared to me. And I'm a criminal. I did minor theft, though robbed a convenience store.

I was the school outcast, and my dad abused me for eighteen years, and my mom didn't give a shit about me. She went off, got drunk, slept with another man, and repeated the process. And my dad took his anger out on me.

At school, it wasn't much better. People made fun of me because I was emo, and liked rock and heavy metal and the occasional rap instead of the pop songs every girl listened to. I hated how it was because of sexism my school life brought my self esteem down even more.

I cut for a few years, but snapped myself out of it. I only had two friends, Kayla and Grace. Kayla died of cancer, and Grace moved to Brazil to be with her family. I used to have an older brother, but he was killed in front of me, and then I was raped.

Another thing my dad blames me for.

Anyways, right now I'm wearing an old band t-shirt, and black jeans with combat boots. My hair was up in a high pony tail, and I was covered in dirt.

I only had a back pack filled with mainly food and water, with another shirt, jeans, bra and underwear, as well as three knives. I had a machete strapped to my side, and a gun also in my bag.

My dad had hit me so hard that I got internal damage, so I can't have kids, nor do I get my monthly chocolate craving, which is good, I guess.

Anyways, enough about me. I drove the car until I heard cackling on the radio. I smacked it, and it cleared up right away. A woman's voice was saying how they have a safe place for anyone needing it.

I looked at my new friend through the mirror. "What do you think, buddy? You think it's a trap?" I asked.

He looked at me, and stopped panting. I nodded. "Your right. We can't afford to not go" I said. I drove to where the woman said the group was, until my car broke down.

I got out, grabbed my bag, and let out Anubis. We walked for about twenty minutes until I saw an RV.

We walked there until I heard a twig snap. I froze. Anubis started growling, and I unsheathed my machete. "You stay right where you are" said a male voice. It had a southern twang to it. "I heard over the radio that it was a safe place" I said. The man stepped in front of me, and I tried not to stare.

He had short brown hair, and blue eyes. He was wearing a button up shirt and a black vest,and had a crossbow in his hand.

"Who are you?" he asked. "My name is Charlie, this is Anubis. We just need a place to rest. We barely have any supplies, and my car just broke down. I haven't slept in days. Please, just give me and my dog three days. That's all I'm asking, and I'll be out of your hair before you know it" I said, raising my hand to show surrender. He narrowed his eyes.

"Three days" he said. I nodded. "I promise" I said. My promises I keep, because I say what I mean, and mean what I say. He grunted with a nod before walking towards the direction of the RV I saw. I followed with Anubis, and smiled. I finally caught a break.

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