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Kes, who had walked around 15 miles from Feldon, as she was quite a fast walker, was now in the prettiest village she had ever seen. The stone houses had small bushes lined on the outside of the front gardens with freshly cut, vivid green grass, and beautiful, strong smelling flowers. The houses themselves had vines of blood red and pale pink roses, winding all the way up to the roofs, which were thatched. There was a small, black, iron gate about five metres away from the door of one house. This house was definitely the nicest of them all. The village of Blackwell was nothing like the dull, grey, murky village of Feldon.

Kes took off her sunshine yellow waterproof mac, as it was beginning to get hot and sunny. The sky was clear and light, and the thick fog had finally lifted. She checked her watch and saw that it was now 9 o'clock, and her feet were really starting to burn from the blisters. She sat down in a wide, airy alleyway between two of the houses and began taking her boots and socks of again, when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her back. The knife. She quickly threw off her backpack and reached her hand underneath her hoodie and t-shirt to check if it was bad, she was bleeding, but she hadn't cut deep.

She suddenly felt an emotion she wasn't usually prone to feeling. Guilt. Funny thing was, she had no idea why.

She decided it was best to leave the cut in her back to heal on it own. So she began taking her boots and socks off once again. She had packed several pairs of spare socks earlier that morning, so she put a new, clean pair on, hoping they would be better on her feet instead of the sweaty ones she had on before. After she had put her boots on, she got up and started slowly walking to the centre of the village, when she suddenly bumped into someone and fell over onto her back.

'Ouch! Hey, watch it!' Kes said, slightly irritated as she got up, wincing at the pain in her back.

'Shit, sorry!', Kes looked up and saw a tall, sandy blonde haired boy, with warm, chocolate brown eyes, his small, button nose was covered in little freckles and he had rose pink lips.

'I'm really sorry.'

'It's okay.'

'I'm Oskar,' he said smiling as he put his hand out in front of her.

'I'm Kes.' Kes said, timidly shaking his hand and quickly letting go. His hand was warm and soft against hers, which were cold as ice and dry.


'Yeah, Kes.'

He didn't say anything after she'd confirmed her name, he just nodded slowly, as if trying to figure her out.

She watched his eyes scan over her face, taking every tiny detail in. she noticed he looked at her eyes the longest.

'Do you live here?'

'Well, no.'

'Do you or don't you?' Oskar said, smiling mischieveously, as if he was thinking about a personal joke he had suddenly made up in his head.

'No I don't.' Kes said rolling her eyes, trying to walk away, but Oskar blocked her step.

'Where do you live then?'


'You're homeless?'

'I guess so.'


Kes was beginning to get annoyed now.

'Look, I'm not going to tell you anything, considering I don't actually know you.' So Kes walked away without saying anything else, leaving a very confused Oskar behind.

Although Kes had walked away, she felt drawn to Oskar somehow, and he had the sort of face that stuck in your mind. She looked behind and saw Oskar, still stood there, smiling that michieveous smile of his. And when she looking at him, she had this strange feeling she had seen him somewhere before.

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