MJ's P.O.V
We all thought we were safe in the dome the three made but we were wrong the Ice started to melt , the stone started to crumble and the vines started to wither
"This is bad." Zack says while trying to patch the dome by growing more vines
"We can't keep this up for much longer get everyone out of the dome now!" Dylan tells us , he makes a hole big enough to let us all get out
We were done evacuating everyone but the three of them stayed in the dome
"Guys come out now!" I screamed at them they only smiled at me just as they did the dome started to collapse leaving them buried in ice and stone
"NO!" Me Izab and Jin screamed
We tried to approach the place of the tragedy but principal prisma stopped us
"Please we need to help them." We tell her as tears stream from our eyes
"Its too dangerous we cannot lose more lives." She states calmly
I broke down and got on my knees crying even more knowing I wasn't able to help them
"MJ they're going to be ok." Izab tries to cheer me up
"Yeah that's right they're strong they'll survive." Jin also tries to calm me down
"I-I." I tried to speak but everything went dark the last thing that I saw was Jin and Izab shaking me
Third person P.O.V
MJ had passed out from all the tension happening
"Now that those pests are gone I can finally feed on your souls." Lucifer says
"Do not try to fight back unless you want to get tortured." Lucifer adds
"Ahh an Umbra, I see you have potential, your soul will give me tremendous amounts of power!" Lucifer says as he approaches Jin
(The "umbra" part will be explained in the next chapter)
Just as he was getting closer to Jin a beam of light strikes Lucifer causing him to back up
"Great fire of Meggido!" A strong voice comes from the sky
"Tsk I don't have time for more intrusions!" He states in a very furious tone
"Glory nemesis!" The voice echoes and orbs of light struck Lucifer
"Face me saint!" Lucifer shouts while looking for the Angel
"You want to see me that badly demon, well here I am!" The angel Descends from the sky and its a girl, she's wearing Armor it's colored white and gold, she also has a scarf ,high combat boots and a helmet
"You enter a fight with me Angel Saint of Charity your will to help others has failed you, you let 3 innocent lives go to waste." Lucifer says with a grin
"They are not dead." The angel says making everyone look at her in shock
"You do not know that." Lucifer tells her
"Rise my children!" She says as she raises her glowing hand
Just after the angel said those words three forms of light came out of the once solid fort of ours one of the color "blue" the other "green" and last "yellow"
A/N no cliffhanger this time sorry for the very very late update I got sick but don't worry I'll make it up to you guys somehow😁 so see you in the next chapter

Fantasia - The Hidden World {Discontinued}
ФэнтезиFocus your mind to see what is invisible Not everything you see is real and not everything you can't see is fiction Enter our world and have all your wishes come true Not all stories are considered a fable , come with us and discover a world like...