A New Beginning, A New Journey.

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The little girl did exactly what her mother told her to before she passed. She started her journey to the twin sister of Minigolia--Magnolia. She has never been to Magnolia before, but her father did. He has always told her stories about going and working in Magnolia. He said that it was an interesting place filled with wonder, thrill and magic. But of course, the girl was not interested in such things. Her main goal is to get Zeref, confront Kaito and rescue her baby brother before it's too late. 

Yuuki's P.O.V.

My whole country was in flames, my mother was killed, my home destroyed, the clans separated. Some clans are even battling each other--killing each other. There was once nothing but peace, exquisite and beautiful peace--until it was taken away by Zeref and my one and only best friend, well was my best friend, Kaito. I had nowhere else to go now but to Magnolia. I sighed, deeply and tugged on my shredded black cloak onto my shoulders more, feeling a slight and calming breeze rushing through my hair causing it to flip around and flow in the wind. 

This feeling...feels familiar. I thought to myself, remembering the satisfying feeling of being in Minigolia, with my mother and father flying with them 1,000 feet up in the air, soaring with their big and beautiful wings. We were having so much fun with one another, feeling free and not tormented or being called out by the sinful species known as humans. That's why we disguised ourselves as humans in the first place.

I looked around and about of my surroundings. Nothing but green grasslands and mountains. There was no towns, buildings or no Fairy Tail.

"Was my mother hallucinating when she took her dying breath? I wonder," I said, allowing my feelings and thoughts get the best of me. I shook my head, back and forth clearing my thoughts of the past events that happened not too long ago. Only a few days ago. Yes, I have been walking for the last couple of days, my little feet bruised and aching. I may have sprained my ankle by getting my foot almost stuck in a hole-- but I continued to fight through the pain, sweat and tears. Especially the pain, I must overcome my pain and become stronger just like my dying mother said to me. I grit my teeth and narrow my eyes, not giving up on finding this new place. I continued to walk slowly up the mountain. And once I reached a certain part of the mountain, my keen hearing caught some sounds from afar and my nose caught a strong smell of people and---magic? I did not know until now that I began to sprint up the mountain, forgetting about the pain in my ankle. Once I reached the peak of the mountain, a rather strong breeze came through, causing my cloak to ruffle in the wind and my hair to float and whip rapidly in the wind like a flag on a high pole. My eyes widen at the sight of this new place. 

"I found it." I said under my breath, in a breathless and shallow voice. "Magnolia."

Magnolia was filled with life, excitement and magic. There were people bustling and hustling through the streets of the country. Buildings that were as big as skyscrapers and buildings that were small like modern apartments. But the most biggest of them all-- was a specific building that was taller than any building in Magnolia. It looked like an ancient temple in Japan or China. The three roof layers were tiled with red concrete slabs. What stood out the most was not only the building itself but a certain banner that was hanging loud and proud, swaying in the wind with a familiar emblem on it. 

"That emblem.. I remember it from somewhere."
 I thought long and hard about it until I finally recalled it in my memory, my father had that emblem on his arm. Remembering my father, caused a great remorse of pain in my heart. Where was my father when we were suddenly attacked by an evil wizard and my wretched friend? Did he not feel my mother's pain when she was attacked by that humongous dragon? I narrowed my eyes, feeling anger, deception and most of all pain. I continued to look towards this place called, "Fairy Tail" and I was almost there reaching my certain destination that my mother told me to come to. I cannot just simply turn into a dragon on command, sadly I turn into a dragon when I'm excited, scared or nervous. Besides, I'm pretty sure that Magnolia does not allow dragons to be here. It's sickening that most of the dragons that ruled over the two countries were slaughtered. It was our territory first. Since I am a quick thinker, I extended my nails and I jumped off the peak of the mountain and started clawing the side of the mountain, making my way down the mountain leaving claw marks on the beautiful mountain. 

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