Chapter 1 - [Dawn Of The Dead]

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||A/N: Hey! New Resident Evil story I recently made and finally made up my mind to post it...though first chapter is just written for now and yes it will follow somewhat of the High School Of The Dead plot but I'll do my best not to make it all off from that anime so yeah....oh! and this picture is what Riley is wearing! And yes this story does indeed have Cleon and Valenfield pairings in this! xD My new OC's are their kinds and the others are random...also this was formally a xreader if you see a lot of 'you' and 'your' in's just cause i missed those parts when I decided to make this into a new oc story and began to slowly replace them with 'she' and 'her' so yeah..either way I hope you enjoy!||


The morning was its usual, birds chirping people getting ready for either work or school. But in a certain room a high school student's alarm clock was going off for her to wake up for another day of school. Groaning she smacking her hand on it to stop it's annoying noise and got out of bed, doing her usual showering, blow drying her reddish-brown hair then brushing it Riley had placed it up in a high ponytail and looked in the mirror.

Riley's bangs gently were over her forehead as the sides were just past her ears a bit, sighing she closed her blue eyes then continued on to get ready for today's school day..even though it would be boring as usual she decided to just get through with it due to her dream job already in her mind.

Looking into the mirror once more she looked herself over, she wore a red and black platted buttoned up shirt which was left unbuttoned, grey and black double tank top underneath, some grey skinny jeans, white shocks and a pair of black tied up combat boots. Nodding at her reflection with a smile she grabbed her faux leather jacket and her backpack then headed downstairs to eat breakfast.

Riley Kennedy, a girl who was always told she looked just like her mother due to her appearance from a small child up until now. In which Riley was rather pleased since her mother was beautiful strong women - someone she wanted to be very much so.

"Morning mom!" Riley smiled as you saw her cooking breakfast.
"Morning dear, all ready for school today?" Claire asked.
"Not really but it's not like I can skip today." Riley sighed, sitting down at the nice aile in the kitchen.
"No you sure cannot. Listen your father will be coming home today so this means we can spend that family day you've been waiting for." Claire smiled.
"Really?! Dad's coming home?!" Riley smiled.
"Yup he finally got a day off." Claire laughed a bit.
"Dad sure works it would be good to have him rest up with us." Riley explained as she ate her breakfast.
"Yeah indeed, well eat up I'll drive you to school then I'm off to work." Claire explained.
"I will mom." Riley nodded.

Yes that's right she is the daughter of Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield...well she's a Kennedy now since she's married to her father but yeah anyways the family was always known for fighting B.O.W's and since she grew up hearing about it on T.V her parents and uncle and aunt couldn't keep it a secret from her for very long due to her knowledge of it all growing more and more.

Sure Leon and Claire preferred Riley not to know until she was older in the past but they were understanding that since they were people who fought it they would have to one day tell her about what there work does and why they got into the jobs they decided to do for a living. In all honesty they were heroes in Riley's eyes and growing up she wanted to follow in their footsteps be the next generation of help to the world that suffers from creeps who set off a virus.

After finishing her breakfast and helping her mother wash the dishes she and Claire had left the home and into her car, getting into the passenger seat her bag was resting on her feet as her mother drove her to the high school. As usual Riley and her mother would listen to music and sometimes sing to her favorite songs...something that didn't leave the two of them even if Riley grew a bit out of it.

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