Chapter 2 - [Escape Plan]

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High emotions were in the DSO with many agents and coworkers were in a  rush to get people together to get survivors out of that horror, but  one agent was found pacing around a hall awaiting his wife's arrival so  they both could finally set off to save their daughter. Time was lethal  in situations like this even when it involves your own daughter being  trapped in a town filled with undead attacking the living.

It  took about three hours for Claire to get there due to the amount of time  the helicopters that was set out for her, once she was finally allowed  to leave work early she was beyond worried about her daughter and the  amount of time wasted didn't help at all. Claire walked into the DSO  looking for her husband with Riley on her mind.

They had to save her...she needed to be in her mothers arms again alive and safe.

The  horror's her daughter must be facing was the same when she went to  Raccoon City to find her brother all those years ago, and as well with  the airport which she got stuck in due to another attack.

When  Claire and Leon's eyes met they rushed to one another and brought the  other into a hug, Claire let out her worries as her body shook with fear  for her daughter, Leon being the strong person for her rubbed her back.

"We'll find her, she knows what to do. I got into contact with her before everything went silent." Leon told.
"Is she okay?" Claire asked.
"She  said she, Jayden and three others were trapped on the roof. Lucky for  them they found some bats to use and also blocked the entry way but  she's not sure how long that will hold up." Leon explained.
"Smart  thinking...but I'm still worried Leon, she never truly been in something  like this despite us explaining what she should do." Claire frowned.
"Don't  worry she's smart, but now that your here we can get debriefed and head  to her school to get our daughter." Leon explained.
"Sorry it took me so long..." Claire sighed.
"Relax we'll get Riley soon." Leon comforted her.

Claire  nodded and followed Leon into The President's office where the two  would be given the quick statement about how he viewed they should go  into that hell and get back out, of course Hunnigan would help them with  any places if things got worse while they were in there.

**With Riley, Three Hours Ago**

Riley  and Jayden were sitting beside one another as the others were sitting  somewhere else. Alice was cuddling up with Noah's arm making Riley get  in a jealous mood which Alice seemed to have liked as she at times sent a  smirk her way. Jayden would just glare at Alice masking his hurt and  held his shaking cousin to his side.

The poor girls hands were  shaking due to the fact the moment she hit the teachers head in still  played in her mind, was this what her parents had to go through years  ago? Was this what her father went through daily due to his job? Riley  felt guilty that this horror was their life but it just continued to  fuel her need to save others from feeling and seeing what she was going  through right now.

"Are we really gonna get out of here?" Alice asked.
"I called my dad...he'll come for us..." Riley replied.
"Have you tried calling him again?" Noah asked.
"No signal...I couldn't.." Riley shook her head.
"Man what caused this?" Jason wondered.
"Hell if we know.." Jayden sighed.

Riley  ignored the advances Alice continued to make towards Noah, if she was  truly her friend she wouldn't of done that and what's worse is that Noah  didn't think of pushing her away which just made Riley think that he  didn't like her back and seemed to fancy Alice instead. It was the cold  hard truth but Riley knew she'd face this sooner or later...why not now?

'Well I didn't have a boyfriend then I don't need one now...' Riley thought.

Since  her phone was some what dying she quickly checked the time and it  looked like they were waiting quite a while, standing up she knew that  the barricade wouldn't hold to much longer so they had to go somewhere  else..but that also meant that they'd have to go back inside the school  which Riley knew would be a bad idea but if they wanted to get out of  here quick and alive then they had to.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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