Chapter 1

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( A/N: This is a super short chapter because I don't know how to make it longer :/ But Enjoy! )

The morning light came through the dark-colored curtains onto the girl who was peacefully sleeping, slightly stirring but not waking up. The curtains were opened fully now by a woman in her late 40s. The young teen put her hand up as soon as the sunlight hit her eyes. The morning light came through the dark-colored curtains onto the girl who was peacefully sleeping, slightly stirring but not waking up. The curtains opened fully now by a woman in her late 40s. The young teen put her hand up as soon as the sunlight hit her eyes; glaring at her mother who stood in front of her.

" Close'em," she said in a raspy voice.

Her mother grabbed her covers and threw them off of her, the young girl immediately curled up to bring back the warmth.

" What the hell, mom?!"

" Get up, you're gonna be late to school," the mother said in a gentle but firm voice.

" Why should I? I'm not going to learn anything anyways," the teen said in annoyed voice while rolling her eyes.

" Because.......just get up, please," her mother begged about to cry. Thinking about what happened over the two weeks, the young girl decided it is best to do what her mother wanted. She got up from the bed and went over to her mother and hugged her.

"Sorry, mom. I should be more thoughtful considering the last two weeks," the girl whispered into the mother's ear with regret and gentleness dripping from voice.

"It's okay, Alanza. I'm just happy you're here," her mother whispered softly but enough for her daughter to hear.

"Me too too," Alanza thought while squeezing her mother tighter; feeling the arms around her waist loosen she stepped away from her mother slightly upset. Turning around to get ready for school, freezing when she suddenly feels a soft and gentle hand land on her shoulder. Turning around slowly she sees her mother's chocolate colored eyes and her mother said in a voice Alanza only heard her say once before while squeezing her arm," Thank you for.......being strong during all of this when I can't". Nodding back as an acknowledgment to what her mother said, she continued her way to her bathroom to get ready. Closing the door behind her, she heard her mother sigh and footsteps walking away.

" Why does it seem like I'm still disappointing her even though it's just the two of us now?" Alanza thought when taking off her clothes. Turning on the faucet and waiting for the water to become her desired temperature, she looked over her body.

" Too tall, skin and bones, face too sharp for a girl's," she said listing off the flaws that she sees on her body. Feeling the emptiness in her stomach start to grow she shook off the thoughts and went into the bathtub. Feeling the warmth of the water on her muscles relaxed her a little, " I really needed this after the last two weeks." Then she started going over what happened, the thoughts spinning in her head of words full of regret and despair; wanting them gone she closes her eyes and let herself slip into the water.

~Time skip~

" I fucking hate school," Alanza said in the car on the way to school. Feeling her mother pinch her leg for cursing, she just grumbled even more.

" Well, you have to go to get an education darling", her mother, Anna said sternly. Growling at her the young girl turns away annoyed with her mother. If only her mother knew how impossible it is to there. All the fighting, disrespect makes the teachers do more yelling and trying to keep their sanity intact then actually doing their job, teaching.

Finally, arriving at the school, aka hell as Alanza calls it, she gets out the car giving her mother a quick goodbye. Watching her mom's car disappear from her sight, she sighs in dismay and walk towards the school. Entering the cluster of bustling students, Alanza tries to avoid bumping into people while keeping her head down. Successfully making it to her locker, she starts getting what she needs and what she doesn't; after she has that all done, Alanza tries closing the locker. Keyword: tries and the reason why she couldn't close her locker is that someone already closed it for her. And that someone is making school hell for her. They tease her. Laugh at her. Make fun of her. Torture her. Yep, that someone does it all and they're her best friend, Angelica. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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