1. Horrors Of First Year.

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Still lost in dreamland, something brought be back to the boring  real world. Noise. It was like a mob. They were talking and laughing . Then I heard my door handle move down, but someone stoped the one who was opening the door saying," She's so uncanny, she doesn't even deserve to be welcomed the same way as others. Let's just leave her and continue with the ritual."
Really? I don't even deserve to be welcomed . Wow. This is going to be a long long year.
I drifted back to dreamland once more.
The time was fifteen minutes before midnight. I get drowsy quickly.
Dreamland really is the best land ever.
I get only sweet dreams and handsome  nightmares. If you know what I mean.
Few hours later, I woke up and looked at the time on my galaxy S8. 
09:00!!! Ow no! I was late. The orientation was starting in about fourty minutes. I rushed into the shower and got out within ten minutes. Throwing a colour  blocked max dress and brown sandals, I tied my hair in a ponytail and got out  of the house without eating before five minutes of the begining of the orientation session. They said we will meet at the water fountain near entrance gate one. Because I drove myself here yesterday, I knew the venue and I got there after three minutes.  Everyone was there except the guide. He arrived there right on time. He had hazel eyes and hair. He wore the  university's tee and dark jeans. He was really tall and had a broad British accent. He had thin lips,which formed a tight straight line when he wasn't talking.
After greeting us and introducing himself as Benjamin Perez, we started moving about the Varsity.
I didn't really hear most of the things he was saying because I was walking at the back of the crowd. Senior girls were at the front ogling the guide . I don't know what they were doing there because they had been to orientation on their first year.The ones on their first year like me, were right behind the seniors,and they were talking about what happened last night, at the welcoming 'ritual', which turned out to be a party. A typical party.
The guys were at the back checking out girls.
I was right behind the guys. So , because of my position I didn't hear a thing.
I came to the university to do forensic pathology. So, I paid attention to what he said was the lab , where the lectures for medicine took place and the library.
After that I slipped away unnoticed and went to my room.
I had to buy groceries.
It is Varsity custom that if you go out of campus, you must wear , either it's tee or it's jacket.
I hate tees so I wore the jacket on top of my max dress. I took my card and started walking to the nearest shopping centre which was five hundred meters away.
I cook for enjoyment. So,the first shop I went to was Checkers. I bought all things that professional chef's use. Things like rosemary, thyme, corrianda and other spices. Then i bought all other necessities that included other things like personal care products.
I was walking on the snacks aisle, when i saw a Green and red tee.
No matter what, that was the Varsity's tee.
It was worn by a tall guy with dark jeans. He had brown eyes and dirty brown hair. He  had full pink lips. He was good looking. Beside him was a decently dressed man. His father. I guess, because they looked alike.
They were talking and smiling. I really wish I had a father or a mother who I can walk with to shop or to do whatever.
They were happy. You could tell they had a really strong bond.
I walked past  them and they stopped and greeted me. It might have been the jacket I was wearing.
The old man introduced himself as Bill Zenon.
"And this is my son, Jasper Zenon. You two are in the same university. He  is on his first yaer and he will be studying to be an investigator", he continued.
I just stared at him and didn't say a thing. Don't  blame me. I'm not used to people introducing themselves to me in the first meeting.
Minutes passed.
"And you are?..." Mr Zenon decided to continue.
Me being  the socially awkward person that I am, I forgot that when a person introduces himself I must do the same.
I'm sure Jasper thought I'm uncanny. But I am uncanny.
"Ow... I'm Renesmee Muller",i didn't even know how to continue.
I thought of walking away because of the embarrassment I had went through. I failed dismally to keep the conversation going. Thanks to Jasper who decided to ask me a question.
I think convos would be much easier with the question and answer routine.
"What course are you taking?"
"I'll be doing forensic pathology ", a straightforward answer.
"It's looks like you two will be working together. So, why don't you just walk back to Varsity together? ", his father gave us the worst idea I've ever heard.
Jasper and I looked at each other and he smiled.
"Sure,  Why not?", Jasper answered his dad.
I finished buying all the things i needed and then we all went to pay for things.
I think the correct way of saying this sentence is that: Mr Zenon paid for EVERYTHING. My groceries included. He was so generous.
With the grocery plastics on my hand and Jasper on my side, we started walking towards campus.
The distance felt like it was times two because of the silence that couldn't help but be noticed like a pink elephant in the room.
The only  sound that was heard was the  sound of our feet on the paved surfaces and the cars that were passing  by.
We finally got inside campus and Jasper,being kind, decided to walk me to my room and handed me some of my plastics that he was carrying for me.
I got in and showed him the kitchen, where he placed the plastics and  went to the door.
I followed closely and thanked him.
I was closing the door when he cleared his throat," Do you think we can hang out sometime, or may i have your cellphone number?"
He did what?
He asked for my number?
He wants to hang out with me?
"Sure,  there you go", I gave him the number and closed the door. After closing it I leaned on it and exhaled.

Authors note.
There is  your first chapter.
So what do you think?
I'm so sorry for updating after ages.
I've been busy with exams and I'll still be busy.

But after the 20th of November I'll be free and I'll update any time for you.

Lots of love and sorrys


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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