Supreme Team 4, When Angels cry...sneak preview

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I entered the peak of the mountain through a large oval arch, candles lit up the room as I stepped through. A man sat in a chair arms crossed. He was old, very old and sat cloaked with an hammer on the table.  The room was large but so was he, and the table, round like the knights of the round table.

I spoke out “I have come today for you to tell me, to tell me what has been, what is happening, and what is to come, I am Pyro Flame, yes I maybe young but I know that with knowledge comes power, and with power I can save the world”

He stood up, grabbing a glass, and put it too his lips. He through it down and smashed into a million pieces. He then picked up his beautifully crafted hammer and said “But those who have power have traditionally only gone one of two ways, they have risen, or they have fallen. I am the protector of the book, the book of Preme. If you read this you will have your power, and you will have your moment, but are you just. Can I trust you to be the leader men have been crying out for.”.

I raised my hands, making a spark of fire in my hand, and replied “I cannot guarantee anything, I am a father, I am a husband, but I am a hero. My heart beats only for justice. I have had friends cross me and perish. I will do what needs to be done. tell me of our past, tell me everything.”

He  sniggered “You are wise long beyond your years, Electrobe was right…you are the one.  As you know powers are passed down generation to generation, and have been since the birth of man, everybody deep down is Supreme but only the strongest stand and have the powers of their ancestors.”

“So everybody is Supreme?” I replied

He sniggered again, and replied “People talk of a meatier which wiped out the dinosaurs, this happened… but it was not rock, it was a ship… a ship of Supremes who had been cast out and dumped, but we did not die…we lived on, and look at the world around you. This is what we have built, we have flourished, we have conquered”

 I reacted saying “Then we need to keep trying, fix the wrongs, save our people. I always believed we were too good, too intelligent to be among these creatures, but we share this home, and I am merciful, I will not save anyone at the cost of our neighbor’s lives.”

“He laughed and said “Your foolish, we need defences, we need to be strong…Planet Supreme know of our existence, you have seen their warnings. We need to be ready.

I slammed my fists down and answered back “We need do nothing; the hearts of my friends…of everyone will allow us to triumph and conquer”

He replied, swinging his axe in hand “Would you make the first move, will you fight for this planets survival? Would you kill me for this book”

I replied with a burning ember in hand, ready to strike “This is not the planet of our people, but we have consistently destroyed it, we owe it too every inch of this planet to protect it, and that is what I will do. You have guarded the book for too long, you have lost sight of what matters.”

Shazap! And a bolt of electric went past me killing the man stood over the book. Vaporized into dust.

“Electrobe, what have you done!” I shouted, wondering what had happened. He stood, dressed in A Supreme suit, black and gold, but why? Why had my father in law did this, it made no sense.”

He stepped forward. “I listened to the whole thing, you speak with just, and you were right he had lost sight…but I would rather I take his life then have this play on your mind. You already have so much too think about. War is coming. Supreme thought us dead. You must guide the people of Earth into the light. Now come on we do not have much time” he said grabbing my arm.

“He said everyone was Supreme is he right?” I replied

“Theres not much time, lets go” he shouted, hustling me away.

He guided me too the Pyro Plane “ I sha’ll keep the book, he was right…you are not ready but you are just, and I believe in you, when the time comes you will be the chosen one, but for now you are a father, a husband, and friend. Do what has to be done to protect your people.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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