End of Term - Author's Note

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Firstly, I want to say THANK YOU. It's really awesome how many people have read this story, how many people have enjoyed it. So thank you.

I also want to say thank you to the girl who's pictures I've used for Eleanor. I wanted someone who I could find multiple pictures of to use throughout this series, as I think it creates a more authentic feel if every image is the same girl. So, please go follow @iam_dytto on Instagram.

And thanks to the great J.K. Rowling, for bring Harry Potter and the world of Hogwarts into millions of lives.

Also, as I'm writing this short note, I have begun work on the sequel, which will be the Chamber of Secrets (with Eleanor and family!), so please stay tuned.

Also, if you've enjoyed this story, please share it with at least one person who you think will also like it.

Again, THANK YOU! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Until next year (or tomorrow),


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