Gang Love

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Gang Love ...


"Be safe, love you"

"yes dad, I know "

"Ok I trust you, Byee"


I closed the front door

I walked to the bus stop and sat down on the red bench thingy

There is one of those countdown timers at the bustop like say there is more than one bus that comes to this bustop

An old man walks up to the bustop

" has the bus come yet?"

KMT " Yeah it has I'm just sitting on here watching the grass grow " I said sarcastically

" sooo, it thats a yes?"

" If the bus had come, do you think i would be sitiing here?! - NO!"

" You youth of today are soo rude to us pensioners ! show some respect-"

"LISTEN! i didn't come to this bustop to be lectured so sit down stfu and Do. Not. Piss. Me. Off "

I popped my I-pod earphones and started blasting Deuces by chris brown and

the old man sat down screwing up his face

I don't care, You can say i was rude but ignorance pisses me off !!!


I arrive at my destination, Camberwell

I made my way to my bestie Asharna's house, I hadn't seen her in a few months and we HAD to catch up...

I got to her estate humming along to Nneka - Heartbeat (Chase n Status Remix)

she had one of those fob key doors outside where you have to call the flat number to get in

I Dialled 35 ..

" Helowwwe- " a little girl's voice answerd but was cut off by

"Gina! what did i tell you about answering the door phone!-sorry about that, Heloo"

"Loool Guess Who?"

"(screams)Erin !! bitch where you been ?!"

" open the door and i'll come up and tell you"

" oh-right soory babez"

I swung open the hefty metal door after the*BUZZZZ* of the intercom

Just as i was about to press the lift request button, I heard a *DING* and the lift doors opened..

A boy completely blacked out walked out of the lift bumping my shoulder in the process making me lose balance

I felt a pair of hands balance me before i fell, I turned to see the acked out youth tht had brgd me

All i could see were a pair of big stormy grey eyes,but the way the light hit them made them gleam. they held do much emotion, Saness,Lust, but mostly

anger, I found myself getting lost in them and we held a strong gaze for a munuite only te *DING* of the lfit doors closig took us out of out little trance

the boy Who i now will call " zoro " ( like the movie character, picture attached on the side) hastily lifed me back up to standing position and walked away

without a word , embarassment clear in hiss eyes..

after taking a minuite-or 5 to compose my self and get rid of the blush that formed on my cheeks I carried on my journey to Asharnas flat..

Never in my whole 15 (nearly 16 *wink*) years of living have i ever set my eyes on such a fine specimen of the human race and yet i could only see his eyes


As i made my way to her door I heard Clarkes - by Vvybes Kartel blasting from asharnas neighbour's window , there was a grown man leaning out of it Bunin Weed

( yes, i know what weed smells like, its abit bait don't ya think)

As i walked past he sung along to the song


LOOOL he Sounded lyk giggs

I laughed silently whilee knockig on Asharnas Door.




Right, so yeh Ive started a new story which I feel more confortable writing, I will continue my other story in due time..

Comment, fan ,vote, suggest to friends if you want ,-anything will be much appreciated

Thanks for reading


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