Part 2

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2D gulped as the familiar feeling of Murdoc's long tongue snaked his neck. He really didn't want to go through with it, not while Murdoc was this drunk, or high, or whatever he was. He tried to push away the man who was on top of him, which only made him lean against him harder, their body heat becoming unbearably uncomfortable to 2D. The older man still gripped his hair, but not as roughly now.

"Wassa' matta'?" Murdoc slurred, "You're bein' all... Stiff an weird." 2D was getting more irritated. Murdoc wanted him to get into this, to give him back some of the caressing, kissing, and touching. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. It always hurt him too much to get emotionally invested with this man. It was an endless rollercoaster that plagued his anxiety.

"I'm just not really in the mood, Mudz. I want to go to sleep." He was tired of begging for this to stop, like he did every other time it happened. He never won, so what was the point?

"Oh come on now, luv. I'll get you in the mood alright?" He started kissing his neck again as his hand snaked under the blanket. 2D endured it for awhile but was getting more and more pissed off as memories flooded his mind. Murdoc always thought he could just... take what he wanted from him.

Finally he couldn't handle it anymore and shouted at the man on top of him. "AH SAID NO, MUDZ!" Murdoc froze and their eyes met. He looked hurt, but 2D couldn't care less about his feelings right now. He shoved the man off of him and faced the wall in an angry huff.

His hatred overpowered the fear he normally would have felt, and he heard Murdoc mumble something to himself. "...all tough all a sudden..." With a grumble, the older man turned over and went to sleep, 2D listening to him snore loudly. The blue haired singer tried to hold in his tears, but ended up sobbing quietly into his pillow.

The next morning 2D woke up to sound of groans from his friend next to him. He sat up groggily and rubbed his dark eyes. Murdoc was sitting up already and running his hands through his black hair, cradling his now pounding head. "Shit..." Murdoc mumbled. He looked over at 2D, who flinched away immediately​. "Calm down, Stu. I'm not gonna hurt ya." He grumbled and got up, pulling on his pants that he must have taken off at some point in the night.

2D was a bit taken aback by his friends use of his real name. Also, the fact that he wasn't getting beaten up right now. "A-are you ok, Mudz?" 2D asked meekly, testing the waters carefully.

"Fuck off, I'm fine." He glared at 2D, who stared back blankly. "I'll leave you alone..." The green skinned man stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. 2D shrugged it off and was happy he hadn't gotten hurt. Sighing, he continued with his morning routine.

Once downstairs, the others were all eating breakfast that Russel was cooking. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon. 2D smiled as the smell hit him, licking his lips. Noodle had stacked her plate full and was drowning her pancakes in blueberries and syrup. "Morning!" She said, not looking at him. Murdoc was sitting next to her, slouched over his plate.

"Morning Noodle, Russ!" He sat down across from Murdoc and waited for Russel to put together a plate for him.

"Sleep good?" Russ asked as he set one down in front of him, fixing another for himself and joining his friends at the table.

"Yeah, alright." 2D replied, digging into the breakfast hungrily. Murdoc slammed his hands on the table as he stood up quickly, his chair screeching against the linoleum floor. Everyone froze and stared at the bass player, who glared at 2D before stomping off towards the stairs.

"Hey, you're welcome for the food!" Russel said sarcastically as he walked away. "Man, what is up with him today?" He said once Murdoc was out of earshot.

2D stared down at his plate. Why was he feeling bad about what happened? Was it his fault that Murdoc was angry now? He picked at his pancakes, having now lost his appetite. Noodle and Russel quickly forgot about Murdoc's outburst, as it wasn't all too uncommon.

2D went out to the back garden to smoke. He sat down on a bit of sidewalk near the house, trying to relax. He didn't normally chain-smoke, but the third cigarette was sitting between his fingers, slowly burning down, when there was a sudden crash from above. He flinched at the noise, raising his arms over his head as an all-too-familiar brown bottle shattered at his feet. Broken glass rained down from the second floor of the house, sprinkling around 2D. He quickly stood and brushed himself off, being careful not to cut himself on the glass. Only a little bit had actually gotten on his shirt, and he was grateful there didn't seem to be any in his hair. He backed up into the lawn, squinting up at the now broken window. He dodged away as another bottle came careening out, landing in front of him this time. He heard heavy metal music start playing and went back inside to see what exactly Murdoc thought he was doing.

He didn't bother to knock on the door, letting himself into the mess that was Murdoc's bedroom. Cigarettes, stains, and underwear littered the floor. It smelled of smoke, booze, garbage, and air freshener. 2D wrinkled his nose and spotted Murdoc. He was leaning out of the broken window, shouting something. 2D approached the stereo and turned off the music, catching Murdoc's attention. The older man brought his head back inside and squinted at the singer.

"Oh, so now you're in my room, eh, 2Dents?" 2D crossed his arms, waiting for whatever Murdoc was going to say next. "Get the frrrruck out of here, you idiot." He was slurring his words heavily, and his voice was shaky as he started walking towards the singer. 2D couldn't believe he was this drunk so early in the morning. Even for Murdoc, it was too much. "Go 'way!" Murdoc was right in 2D's face now, but the singer wasn't going to back down this time.

"What's you're problem, Murdoc?" 2D asked coldly. The question seemed to unsettle the other man, as his face dropped and he suddenly looked sad.

"Nothing." He said finally, turning to walk away. He stopped when the other man grabbed onto his shoulder, holding him back.

"Mudz, we need to talk about this. You can't just ignore your problems like you always..." 2D was cut off as an elbow jabbed him in the face, hard. He stumbled back against the stereo and held his cheek. Before he could react, another blow hit him in the face and he saw a bright flash before everything went black. He fell to his knees as he waited for his vision to come back, panicked breathes escaping him. "M-Murdoc..." He was cut off again, this time by a sharp kick at his side. 2D groaned and looked at where the kick had come from, the blurry image of Murdoc staggering backwards. He could barely stand up straight, but he was still picking a fight with the singer. 2D weighed the options of actually trying to fight back or escaping the room. While being able to land a few good punches if he got lucky, 2D knew he'd end up in a far worse condition if Murdoc was allowed to continue this. He stood slowly, clutching his side. Murdoc had regained his balance and was already marching towards the blue haired man. He side stepped to avoid him and rushed towards the door.

He had just grabbed the doorknob when he was yanked back by the collar of his shirt. He yelled out as Murdoc pulled him down, letting go and causing him to crash on the floor. He heard a distinct 'thunk' as his head hit the corner of the coffee table. 2D squealed and clutched at his head, curling up into a fetal position. Murdoc was already on top of him, punching him hard anywhere he could; his arms that covered his head, his sides, his legs. Suddenly the blows stopped coming and 2D heard yelling and crashing around him, distorted and confusing to his pounding head. A small hand grabbed his wrist, and he resisted, yelling out again. He heard more yelling and finally was able to make out a voice that made sense.

"It's me, Toochi! It's Noodle! Come on!" 2D squinted and saw the short black hair on a blurry face. He nodded slightly, sending his head aching again. He let her help him up and he winced leaning on her for support. "I thought you two were past all this..." She muttered as they headed to 2D's room.

He gasped as she let go of him and he collapsed on the bed. He was sore all over, and his head throbbed. He turned to face Noodle, who was grabbing his desk chair and setting it near the bed. She sat in it backwards, leaning her arms on the back on the chair and resting her head on them, staring at 2D. They both stayed silent for a long time.

Finally 2D sighed, and sat up, groaning slightly as his bruised body moved. "Noodle... Can I talk to you?" His eyes started watering.

She smiled back at him. "That's why I'm here."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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