The Last Ray Of Hope

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I was giving up...I was going to leave this world. I knew no one would  care if I left, but she stopped me, she cried for me....she is my only..hope..

"Zachary Nightwalker please come to the office." The intercom went off calling for another student to either brake their dreams or talk shit to them as always. Why is this school such a huge disappointment. I only came here because it helps me study the things I need to study, but instead everyone picks on each other and acts like the world revolves around them. Self centered bit-

"Zachary, Zachary Nightwalker to the office please." The intercom said again, cutting me off from my thoughts as the class began to mumble. "Zach, that's you." My close friend Jake said calmly. He had dark brown hair and greenish brown eyes that girls swoon over but they only made me laugh as I responded. "oh...Damn." I mumbled and got up walking out of the class room but I noticed a girl I've never seen before stare at me as I left.

She had black shoulder length hair and big violet eyes with thick black rimmed glasses over them. I don't know who she was or why she was watching me leave but she seemed pretty nice, even if I didn't know her. I walked through the crowed hallway of seniors as i was making my way to the office. i just had the best of luck to bump into Mr.Prince charming, Lance Braveheart.

He was the senior that all girls fall for just because of his purple violet hair and orange, red eyes. He could make a girl faint by a single wink, it pissed me off. Besides the fact that he was a pretty boy. "Well, isn't it the little screw up? What you do now Zach? Why are they calling you to the office?" Lance smirked as he asked me all his retarded questions.

"What do you think Lance? Or are you just that much of a blond inside?" I scowled at him, which made his anger flow through out his body. It was easy to tell when that happened to him because his eyes narrow and his face grows red. It was a pretty funny sight to see.

"You little arm cutter..." Lance growled at me and grabbed my shirt pulling me close. "You homo." I responded because he pulled me so close and his eyes widened with anger as he raised his fist to me. I closed my eyes, ready to take the impact but it never came. The grip Lance hand on my shirt was gone too. I quickly opened my eyes to see what happened and I notice Lance had dissappeared, no where to be seen in the crowd of people.

Taking this to my advantage I quickly made my way to the office. I winced a few times by people grazing my shoulder, that was the place I hid my cuts. I didn't want anyone to see them, so I always do it high or really low. i hate how Lance calls me an arm cutter all the time, he doesn't know me. He doesn't know my reasons, that pretty boy will never understand me or why i do this. He doesn't know me, no one knows me.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the office door in front of me. Just looking at it made me want to vomit and run away. i hated this place more then anyone because he was there. I took in a deep breath and bit down on my bottom lip as my sweaty pale hand griped the door handle. I slowly opened the door but before before I could go In the girl I saw before in class was pulled into the office roughly and the door slammed shut as a loud yelling started.

My eyes widen by how it happened suddenly and how loud the screaming was. i guess I'll go, i don't want to accidently ease drop. That girl though....why would she get pulled into the office like that? Is she new here or have I not been paying very good attention? I don't really pay attention to the people around me much because their all heartless, except Jake of course. It was the beginning of the school year. During fall, where everyone's hearts in this Damn school were as cold as as the air. I thought to myself as I walked down the hall that was now empty, no one to be seen in sight, just how I like it.

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