Raven Scarlet

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I was finally at Jake's house and I was sitting in the living room alone, my music was the only think keeping me company. It was around midnight now and the only thing on my mind was my mom, or to be exact, my family.

Jake's parents had picked us up around eight o'clock and Jake had went to bed around ten, but the time just seemed to fly by for me. I was extremely tired and begged to go to sleep but my thoughts kept haunting me, and my hands started to tremble. Fear and Death kept popping up in my head like an a curing nightmare.  Never leaving my mind as i thought about my mother and what my father might do now that she's gone...

Just the thought sends fear shivering down my back as a cold sweat. It makes my skin go cold and pale like the dead, leaving me to look like a walking corpse.

My world felt like it was falling apart. The more I thought about it, the more it hurt and more fear overcame me. My hand started to twitch and my stitches and cuts started to throb painfully. I scowled in pain and bit down on my bottom lip, hoping it would go away but it just got stronger the more I thought. Over and over, everything now was starting to ache. Especially my chest and my wounds. Every breath, every blink, every move pained me.

It felt like torture, I've never felt anything like it and it's was completely horrible. The pain made me feel sick and I felt like I could vomit. Suddenly all at once the room felt very humid and hot as everything seemed to spin. I grew extremely dizzy and panted and breathed as hard as I could but it didn't seem to help. All of it hit me at once, then in an instant, everything went black.

"Where am I...?" I whispered softly looking all around me, very confused. The only thing I could remember was a great amount of pain striking me while I was at Jake's house, then it was just...black. Now the pain has disappeared and for some reason, I was laying on a bench in a local park in our town. Looking more closely,  I could tell it was the old park me and Jake used to play at when we were little. This was where I first met Jake.

"Hahahaha! You can't catch me mommy!" A young boy shouted loudly, cutting me off from my memories as he ran past me quickly as I was standing up from the bench. He surprised me greatly and was so fast I didn't have anytime to move but he seemed to have just missed me by luck though.

I glance behind me, looking at the young boy run over to the jungle gym and start to play on my old favorite spot, the monkey bars. Looking from afar it was easy to tell the boy had dark black hair and seemed to have cold blue eyes as well, just like me but had the brightest smile on his lips. That was something I can't make as easily anymore...at least, not truly.

Wait....He's wearing a kingdom hearts T-shirt...just like my old one I used to have as a child and he looks like me. His favorite spot seems to be the monkey bars, just like me. Who exactly is that boy? Why does he-

"Zachary!" A familiar woman's voice shouted behind me, her voice sounded like it was full of joy and happiness and my body stiffened as I heard it. That voice, it's-

I quickly turn around and my eyes widden, I could feel the hot tears forming in them. "M-mom....?" my voice cracked as I watched her run up to me with open arms and her beautiful smile as always. "Mom!" I shouted and ran towards her, my arms spreading out so I could hug her.

Yet at the moment when we were supposed to hug, when I was supposed to just realized it was all in my head that she died, She passed right through me, like i was a ghost. My body instantly started to tremble and the tears that formed started to fall down my cheeks quickly as my knees gave out and I feel to the ground.

I turn my head slightly, looking behind me at the jungle gym where she had ran too and see her picking up the small boy that looks just like me.

"Mommy caught you Zachary!" She shouted to the boy and started to swing him around, obviously very happy. "Wha- No fair mommy! no fair!" They boy shouted back but seemed very happy and laughed brightly.

"W-wait....I...know this...This is..My memory.." I muttered under my breath as the tears started to lessen. I remember this day....it was so long ago, it's no wonder I didn't remember it at first.

"We...were so happy that day.." I mutter softly, watching my memory as I wipe my tears away, hating when I cried. I felt weak every time I did.  I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down until suddenly my memory started to fade and glitch as if it was never there to begin with, it was just an illusion.

"Ar-arm cut-cutter." Those words echoed and screeched through my head, causing it to have great pain. "A-Ah!" I shouted slightly as it continued, it was hard to get any words out of my mouth for some reason, nothing would come out with out it hurting.

"You're nothing but a little arm cut-cutter." It screeched making my ears burn and my head throb. "S-Stop!" I shouted, clenching my head tighter, hoping to stop the pain, but it only grew.

"Hahaha! Ar-ar-arm cut-cutter." The voices laughed and screeched at me as they seemed to glitched as if the we're only there for a few minutes and disappeared in an instant which made the pain worse every time it came back.

My wounds began to throb along with my head and ears, I couldn't hold myself up any longer and my knees gave out on to the pitch darkness that now surrounded me.

suddenly images of my father popped up in my head,  his face was always filled with anger, disgust, and disappointment when he looked at me with his cold bitter red eyes. Then all the spots he had ever hit me started to ache greatly.

"Aagh! Shit!" I shouted and clenched onto my arms as I realized I was trembling in fear again.

'So much weakness..' I growled in my head, hating how much fear and weakness I was showing. If it's something my father hates more then me, it's any type of weakness.

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