Brandon stared at the clock.It was almost time. Nothing else mattered. Especially not here in geometry class. Oliver was carrying him like he always did."Mista G" he cried " May I go to the restroom my professa dawg!" "Fo shizzle" replied Mr. Giant Gelatinous Blob. Brandon got up and left the classroom. The thought of what was about to happen made him blush. He made his way to the 3rd floor bathrooms. And that's when he saw him. Serjio. He was wearing lightly colored khakis, a sweater, and his signature glasses. Brandon went up to serjio and looked at him. They stared at each other with mischievous smiles on their faces.Brandon could see that Serjio was also filled with anticipation. Finally, he led him by the hand into the bathroom. They pushed another boy out when he rejected their offer to join them. Brandon opened the stall door and Serjio went in. Once he bolted the door Brandon turned around. Serjio put his hands on his shoulders and smiled as he brought him to his knees. Serjio zipped down his fly and whipped out his penis. Brandon was awe struck even though he had already seen it dozens of times and dozens of times it had entered him. Brandon hated that part of their relationship. Serjio was always the one doing the penetrating and whenever brandon opened his mouth in protest Serjio would prevent the words from coming out with his lips around Brandon's. Serjio got tired of Brandon just kneeling there doing nothing. So he forced Brandon's mouth open and shoved his cock down his throat. Brandon gagged, he had never gotten used to it.
The Highs and Lows of Love
RomanceStuff. Serjio and Brandon. Heart aches and euphoria.