Keep going

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Y/n's POV
After I said that to the girls I went stairs and took a shower when I was down I put on my compression shorts and a sports bra I was looking for my hoodie that said "Jauregui 98 on the back" I went down stairs looking for it once I went down there the girls looked at me but I didn't pay attention I saw Lauren staring at my body I smirked I yelled "HEY CLARA WHERES MY JAUREGUI 98 HOODIE?" She said "um in Taylor's closet I'm pretty sure she wears it when your gone" I went upstairs I heard the girls following me they went to open their mouths I said "don't say it Lauren I don't care for the word it means nothing to me" I turned around said "okay listen I give no fucks if you don't trust me you guys may think you know me but you don't I've saved your lives 12 times in the past 2 years Lauren I may be head of the gang world but so is your family so next time don't yell at me if you guys were anyone else you would of got a bullet in your head but you're not because Lauren your a jauregui I would hurt them and your band mates make you happy there is 10 mil on your bed 2 mil for each of you do whatever you want I'll give you whatever you need the money I have isn't used for me like you think it's used to support and protects everyone's family so stop saying sorry it's not worth it you probably think I'm heartless but I'm not my heart is only with the jaureguis I haven't felt pain in 3 years so don't worry now move" I pushed pass them and went down stairs Clara was there she said "im proud of you I know you already forgave them but don't forget it" I said "what time is it" she said "4:00 you need to go pick up Chris and Taylor" on the way here I got a text from Clara that said  " Clara-The girls just left to go to camilas house but once your done picking up Chris and Taylor make sure you go there because they asked me if you could give them 5 mil and I said yes
Y/n- Okay thanks Clara I will I'll see you in a few"
I picked up Chris and Taylor i said "you guys missed me blowing up on all 5 of them so currently I'm ignoring them I may have forgave but I didn't forget the girls are at the cabellos we have to go there not for the girls but because sinu and Alejandro asked for 5 mil and Clara said yes" we drove to the cabellos we parked and got out I walked in didn't knock so did Chris and Taylor I saw the corner of my eye the girls were confused Camila looked like she was mad she said "what are you doing here?" I said "don't worry not here for you guys" I yelled "CABELLOS" sinu and Alejandro came in I said "hey losers" they said "hey y/n" and hugged me i got the money out and counted it then rolled it I said "Alejandro heads up there's the 5 mil you asked for" I said "is Sofia home?" He said "yeah" I yelled "SOFIA BABE" I heard little feet she saw me she smiled and yelled "Y/N WHERE YOU BEEN ??" I said "eh I've been around did you finally finish your training and learn how to build it?" She said "yeah I did I made like 5 of them but I need more parts" I said "here get more parts let me know when they done" I gave her 2 mil she ran off I went to sinu and said "hey do you still have that gun I left here?" I heard Dinah say "do you have guns everywhere?" I said "actually yes they come in handy" Camila said "why'd you give Sofia 2 mil she's only 10?" I said "yeah she may be only 10 but she's expert when it comes to grenades she builds them for me" Camila yelled "YOURE LETTING MY 10 YEAR OLD SISTER BUILD GRENADES SHE COULD DIE?" I said "okay a couple things I told you not to yell at me ever again and two don't worry your parents know Sofia asked they have no problem with her building them she's safe them so watch it" i looked at sinu and Alejandro I said "In case your wondering your daughter or any of 5h doesn't like me very much they made it worst when they decided to Judge my life without knowing anything so I'm leaving now if you need anything let me know Chris Taylor lets go we got shit to deliever" Lauren said "oh now your having my siblings deliever drugs?" We all started laughing except the girls I saw they were serious I said "oh you were serious?" She said "uh yeah that's what you're doing" I said "oh Jeez you guys literally no nothing if you ever learned about my gang you would know we don't sell drugs we take them off the streets actually we sell weapons that's it but the delievering were doing rn is nothing illegal it's the time of the month we're I got and give money out to families so shut it I said before keep your opinions to yourself"

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