one ✨

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I stood outside of the closest pub that Siri suggested. It was small and black, the words "Black Prince" printed in gold letters on the border of the building. It was nearly dark and the street lights gave the building a slight glow, making it look almost intimidating. It was like I was in a fucking scary movie. I wouldn't be surprised if someone jumped out of the alley and gutted me right then and there.

The sound of glasses clinking and low chatter greeted me when I walked through the doors. It smelled of men and alcohol, with a hint of peanuts. The scent was all too familiar and I could feel my stomach churning at the thought of drinking. Don't be a pussy, I thought as I sat in the booth closest to the bar. I waved down the bartender and requested a Guinness, then took out my phone.


What the hell did I expect? A text? A missed phone call? A voicemail from her? She's gone, V, stop it. But every time I unlocked my phone, a sliver of hope ran through me. I convinced myself that she had ran away. She grew apart from us after she had gotten that new job at the tailor shop. But Mum said that there was no body. She'd just... disappeared.

It's been nearly a year since the incident. I've done just about everything to change myself. My looks, my demeanor. I couldn't help but see the person I've lost every time I look in the mirror. My mother took it hard. She couldn't even look at me without bursting into tears and it tore me apart. I ended up chopping off my hair and dying it "Midnight Black". After that, my mother was finally able to look me in the eyes.

Shaking my head, I put my phone in my pocket and took in my surroundings. The place was mostly empty, besides a group of talkative men off to the side. No doubt that they were tipsy. There was only one other person, I nearly missed him. He sat in the furthest booth, his face illuminated by what I would assume to be his phone. I couldn't quite make out his features though. His glasses and perfectly gelled hair were the only things visible. He wore a crisp blue suit with a navy tie, a ring on his right pinkie, and a wedding band on his left hand. I wonder where his wife was. If a man came to the bar without his wife, he would've came with his mates. But where are they?

My thoughts were put on hold when the bartender brought over my drink.

I've been getting wasted almost every time I came across a pub, attempting to drown out the feeling of loss and self hatred. I usually get kicked out not long after I walked through the doors, with me being a lightweight and all. I'd make a complete ass of myself and they'd toss me right out on it. To be honest, I hated the taste of liquor. But I would do anything to forget about the past.

I was lost in the Twitter highlights about some lame dance moves when a voice came from beside me.

"Veronica Morton,"

I screamed and jumped three feet into the air, spilling the rest of my beverage on me. It soaked through my pants and down the opening of my tank. Shit. Today was the wrong day to show off the goods.

Looking up at the stranger, my eyes locked with the man from the back of the bar. Now, in the light, I could see his entire face.

His jaw was strong and he had a slit in his right eyebrow. His light brown hair was cut short and slicked back. The glasses he wore were big and black, much like the ones she wore. His emeralds were twinkling as well as his smirk. But his look fell when he focused on me, and sheer terror replaced it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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