How you met: Charles Xavier

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You were at the park watching your little sister Katherine playing on the playground with a boy, Alex, you chuckled you remembered a time in your life when all you had to worry about was whether or not you were going to befriend the new kid in school.

"Y/N!" you heard Katherine yell breaking out of your thoughts and looked back up at Katherine

"What?" You responded

"Some guy said he wants to talk to you!" She said coming over to you

"Where is he?" You asked looking around the park from where you sitting

"Last time i saw him he was standing by the fountains" Katherine answered
"Can I have 10 dollars?" Katherine asked

"What? Why?" You asked

"Can I have 10 dollars? Its for Alex and me so we can get ice cream" she replied with a light blush

"Aw you have a crush! Fine here's 15 dollars so you can get me ice cream too" you said and gave Katherine the money

After she left you stood up and started walking to the fountains while walking over there you were looking around for the male. 'Great!' You thought 'and I didn't even ask what the guy looks like! Whatever it's kinda to late now'.

As you were walking over to the fountains you felt someone tap on your shoulder. You turned around and saw a male with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Are you Y/N L/N?" The man asked

"Uh yes yes I am and you are?" You replied

"Oh how rude of me! Where are my manners? I'm Charles. Charles Xavier" the man- Charles responded politely "why don't we sit?" Charles asked you motioning you towards the bench you previously occupied.

"So Charles my little sister Katherine said you wanted to talk?" You asked leaning back and crossed one leg over the other

"Yes I do" Charles replied "I was wondering if you were perhaps a mutant?" He asked

After processing the question you visibly paled. How does he know? Is he going to rat me out? What's going to happen to me? A million thoughts ran through your head.

"U-um I think I should be leaving now" you replied trying to calm your racing heart.

'Y/N please don't go yet, we still need to talk' you heard a voice in your head.

You turn around and see that Charles has two fingers up to his temple.

"How are you doing that?" You ask him which causes him to chuckle.

"Because I'm like you Y/N. I'm a mutant too." Charles explained.

You close your eyes and take a deep breath to calm your nerves.

"I would li-" Charles was about to say something before Katherine interrupted him.

"Here you go Y/N! One F/F!" Katherine handed you your ice cream and then ran back to Alex.

You took a bite of your F/F ice cream before turning to look at Charles

"You were saying?" You asked

" was going to say that I would like you to come to my school. Charles Xavier's school for gifted youngsters" he told you. You looked into his eyes and all you saw was hope.

"I'm sorry it's really sweet that you want to help me with my powers but I can't just leave my sister. She's all I have" you told him.

After your dad died in car accident two years ago your mom started drinking heavily. After about four months of not seeing her you decided to move and come to New York.

"I know that your sister is like us she can come with" Charles told you

It was true your sister was able to control water after almost drowning in a lake five months ago. You, you gained your ability to control ice/snow powers after being born with it your dad helped you control it but of course that changed.

"What do you say? We could bring your sister, Katherine" Charles asked

You thought for awhile contemplating it after throwing your empty container in the trash you turned back to Charles.

"Sure it might be good for us" you told him giving Charles a smile

Of course being the gentleman he is smiled back.

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