How you met: Erik Lehnsher

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You were walking through an abandoned compound trying to get to your stuff so you could leave.

Earlier in the day you were in the market trying to get something to eat when you saw a stand full of fresh bread. You noticed that the owner of said stand wasn't looking in your direction so you decided to walk up to the bread. You grabbed a loaf of bread and stuck it in your cloak.

"Hey! Thief!" The merchant next to the bread stand yelled. The owner turned towards you. Of course being scared you ran away from him.

"Get her!" You heard someone yell

Running through the german market on a sunday was tough considering all the people that would show up (A/N I actually have no idea what it's like just go with it) pushing through the people you ran towards the abandoned building when you felt your self falling.

"Got her!" Your captor said

"Do you wanna know what we do to thieves, girl" the male asked

You shook your head no trying to calm your heart so you could control your powers. Having powers that are based off your emotions suck cause being scared/angry causes you to turn into a human torch.

"Well your about to find out" the male told you

You started to hyperventilate you could feel yourself burning up at an unhealthy temperature. The man holding your arms let you go cause of being burned.

The next thing you know you saw flames all across your body you looked up and saw the shock, anger, confusion and pure terror on the faces around you, not being able to handle it anymore you turned and ran to the building you stayed at.

As you packed you could feel someone watching you.

"You know you should really not sneak up on someone" you told them

"And you should find a better hiding spot" the voice told you

You turned around and saw that not one but two males stood in front of you.

"What do you want?" You asked them

"We were wondering if you would come with us" one of the two males said

"And why would I come with two complete strangers?" You asked

"Oh. Where are our manners? I'm Charles Xavier and this is Erik Lehnsher" the man -Charles said you now noticed that he had a english accent

"Y/N" you replied

"What?" Erik asked

"Y/N. that's my name" you responded simply. You turned and looked at the two males "why are you here? I could kill you both" you stated

"We know you have powers. Incredible powers. We are like you
Y/N" Charles told you

"Why should I believe you?" You asked

'Because Y/N as you can tell I'm a Telepath and I can read minds but Erik here he can control metal' He said

"Get out!" You yelled

They looked at you with shocked and concerned expressions on their faces

"I'm sorry. But the last time someone was in my head they kinda took control" you looked down at you feet "anyways you never answered my question" you told them changing the subject

"What question?"

"What. Do. You. Want?" You asked

"We want you to come with us to Charles school fir gifted youngsters" Erik told you

You sighed you really didn't want to go with these men. What if they were lying? What you do then? I mean if anything happened to you you wouldn't be able to anything about it.

"Fine but know this if anything happens to me I will personally castrate both of you, understand?" You said deadly calm. They both gulped and nodded.

'Well this is going to be fun' you thought

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