Amore Series: Find The Perfect (Book 1)

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Amore Series: Find The Perfect (Book 1)

Chapter 1

Olivia's POV:

The best feeling in the world is being in love. Being with that person makes you feel better and happy. Spend time with them, and buy gifts for them.

The thing is you wanna be together for the rest of your life. Sometimes it can make it, sometimes it doesn't work out. I love Matt. Flirting isn't showing up anywhere from me or him. So its unknown how we have no type of showing that we like each other. That bugs me how girls who are boy crazy show 100% that they're flirting.

I am just an averge girl. All those preppy girls go touching all over Matt "The Dream Now & Forever". I'm not showing it at all. I sit on the bleachers and watch the game and leave. I don't pay attention to the reaction of him when I leave.

I walked downstairs with my bookbag and grabbed a piece of bacon and a pancake and walked out the front door. I went on the bus and sat in by Madison.

"Are you ready?" Madison asked?

"For what?"

"The game with you know who."

"Oh, yeah."

"Oh yeah and he's being transfered into diffrent classes, you know?"


We arrived at school. I walked toward the entrance and David, Courney, and Kelly were standing there. I sighed.

"Hey Liv." Everybody said as I walked close.

"David, what's your problem?" I asked

"Nothing, just smiling cause I'm happy?" He responded. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

The bell rung and went inside to Mr. Dameson's class. I sat down in my regular seat next to Kelly.

We watched a movie about human bodies.

Then Allyson walked in with a note. "Liv, go to the office. The principal needs to speak with you." Mr. Dameson said. I got up and went to the principal's office.

"Hello, Miss Smith......


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