The Big Day

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When Jiyeon and Myungsoo are getting married...

Myungsoo and Jiyeon have been a couple for years already and now they've decided to be forever together. They're going to get married tomorrow already, the both of them were feeling excited and nervous. They keep on thinking about 'the big day' before they went to sleep.

The big day comes now and both of them were feeling so nervous and excited. Myungsoo wore his black tuxedo and black leather shoes, his hair stylist fixed his hair and soon he's done preparing for the big day. Myungsoo looked at himself in the mirror and smiled at his great outfit, he took a deep breath and cheered for himself.

Myungsoo: "Today is the big day Myungsoo, fighting!"

Myungsoo's parents then entered the dressing room to cheer their son up.

Myungsoo's Parents: "Congratulations Myungsoo! Good luck on your big day son, be a good husband to Jiyeon and be a good father when you two have a child already soon. Okay?"

Myungsoo: "Thanks mom and dad! Of course I will, don't worry. I'll be the best husband and father in the world!"

Myungsoo Parents: "I'm glad to hear that Myungsoo. Now let's get going, so we won't be late at the church."

Myungsoo nodded and now they're on their way to the church then soon, they arrived at the church and Myungsoo waited for his beautiful bride.

On the other hand, Jiyeon wore her wedding dress. She looked into the mirror with a smile as her hair stylist was adding final touches into her hair. As her hair stylist put the veil on, her smile just got bigger. Her hair stylist also smiled and said.

Hair Stylist: "Congratulations Ms. Park Jiyeon or soon to be Mrs. Kim Jiyeon! Best wishes~"

Jiyeon giggled at her hair stylist and said.

Jiyeon: "Thank you unnie!"

Jiyeon stood up from the chair then looked at herself in the mirror, a smile crept on her face again as she saw herself wearing a beautiful wedding gown. Jiyeon talked in her head and cheered herself.

Jiyeon: "Today is the big day, the day I'll be a Kim now. Fighting Jiyeon-ah!"

She looked at the clock and took a deep breath, her stylist fixed her wedding gown a bit and fixed her make-up a bit. Jieun handed her the bouquet of white flowers and smiled at Jiyeon.

Jieun: "Jiyeon-ah~ Omo! You will not be a Park now, you'll be a Kim soon. Congratulations bestfriend!"

Jieun then hugged her bestfriend and Jiyeon smiled then hugged her bestfriend too.

Jiyeon: "Thank you Jieun-ah! I hope you'll find your Mr. Right already~"

Jiyeon giggled and Jieun smiled.

Jieun: "I hope so too Jiyeon-ah! I'll get going now~ congratulations again!"

Jieun then left her and her parents arrived at the dressing room.

Jiyeon's Parents: "Jiyeon-ah! You look so beautiful in your wedding gown~"

Jiyeon: "Appa! Umma!"

Jiyeon then hugged her parents and got teary eyed.

Jiyeon's Mom: "Don't cry, you'll ruin your make-up."

Jiyeon nodded and controlled her tears not to fall down to her cheeks. Jiyeon's dad picked up her high heels and helped her daughter to put it on.

Jiyeon's Dad: "My daughter, congratulations! You'll be a wife already and will soon be a mother, good luck on the next chapter of your life. Be a good wife to Myungsoo and a good mother too when you two will soon have a child already. Okay? When you got problems, appa is always here. Alright? I love you Jiyeon-ah!"

Jiyeon's dad kissed her daughter's forehead and hugged her. His tears escaped his eyes because he'll gonna miss her only daughter. Jiyeon can't control her tears anymore and soon her tears dropped on her cheeks.

Jiyeon: "Appa! I love you too~ thank you so much appa, I promise I would be the best wife and best mother in the world..."

Jiyeon's Mom: "Aigoo~ my daughter. Don't cry! Look, your make-up ruined a bit already."

Jiyeon's Mom wiped her daughter's tears using a tissue and hugged her daughter too.

Jiyeon's Mom: "Don't cry Jiyeon-ah! It's your wedding today so you should be happy. Okay?"

Jiyeon nodded and smiled then the make-up artist fixed her make-up again.

Jiyeon Parents: "Let's go now Jiyeon! You'll be late on your wedding already."

Jiyeon's father went to the church already to prepare himself there so Jiyeon was just with her mother now. Jiyeon and her mom went to the church now and soon they arrived at the church.

Jiyeon smiled when he saw his father waiting for her. She slowly walked towards her father, her father smiled at her and offered his arm on Jiyeon. She linked her arms on her father as they walked down the aisle. Myungsoo looked at Jiyeon and was amazed, he couldn't believe how beautiful Jiyeon looked. He smiled at her and impatiently waited for her as she walked down the aisle with her dad. Finally, she reached the end of the aisle and Myungsoo went to take her from her dad.

Jiyeon's Dad: "Myungsoo, I'm handing you over now my daughter. Take care of her and love her as much as I do okay?"

Myungsoo: "Yes Sir, I will."

Jiyeon's Dad: "Don't call me Sir, just call me dad from now on."

Myungsoo nodded and smiled, Jiyeon and Myungsoo then looked at each other and smiled. Myungsoo leaned in a little bit and whispered to Jiyeon.

Myungsoo: "You look so beautiful!"

Jiyeon smiled and blushed, she then whispered back.

Jiyeon: "Thank you, you look so handsome too."

Myungsoo chuckled a bit. He smiled widely and leaned back a little so the priest could say all the stuff needed. After that, Myungsoo and Jiyeon exchanged vows. When Myungsoo had finished saying his vow, the ring boy walked up with the rings and handed them to Myungsoo who took it happily. He then put the ring on Jiyeon's finger and Jiyeon also put the ring on Myungsoo's finger.

The priest smiled and said.

Priest: "You may now kiss the bride."

Myungsoo happily smiled at Jiyeon and leaned in, he cupped her face and kissed Jiyeon's lips passionately. Everyone clapped and they pulled away, both of them held their hands and lifted it up in the air with a huge smile on their faces. Myungsoo then whispered to Jiyeon's ear and chuckled.

Myungsoo: "Congratulations you're now a Kim! Mrs. Kim Jiyeon~"

Jiyeon whispered back and chuckled too.

Jiyeon: "Congratulations too Mr. Kim Myungsoo! You're finally married to a beautiful girl~"

Myungsoo chuckled and guided Jiyeon to the aisle.

Myungsoo and Jiyeon then walked hand in hand in the aisle towards the door of the church. Everyone showered them with rose petals at the church entrance.

Everyone: "Congratulations!"

Myungsoo and Jiyeon: "Thank you!"

Both of them rode the bridal car together and went to their wedding reception happily.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2014 ⏰

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