Falling and Flying, Running and Hiding.

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Falling down down 

Nobody to catch and pick me up

You watch me fall

You watch me fly

You watch me as everyone tries to break the walls that I hold inside

The earth below is getting closer as I speak

One tear slips down my face

I close my eyes 

I've done everything I can

I've saved your neck more times than I can count

But you haven't done a thing for me

I say goodbye to everybody

But they won't hear, they won't care

That I will be gone in less then 30 seconds

Why am I risking this for you?

I see you there

you don't care

But I still say goodbye

I tell myself it will be over in less then 20 seconds

I hug myself

About everything that I have done for you

I have have saved your life so many times

When have you ever done anything for me?

No more pain to worry about

It will all be gone

It will all be over in less then 10 seconds

You turn away

I watch the world ends

And everything begin again

The earth is so close

I shut my eyes, hug myself

Cause there is no one to catch my fall

Your days are up

Your time has come

I watch as they line us up

Watch Me fall

Watch me fall like the wind

Down to the deepest depth of my sorrow' pain' and agony

You are first

I see them take aim

I watch you fall

It's in my mind

Do not know how it came

But its killing me  day by day

I watch you fly

I watch as they break everything you have inside

I take a step back

You watch me but don't make a move

You see me fall

You watch me fall

And hold to my heart

I shouldn't run forward

I should stay where I am

I am not hiding it anymore

But you just brush past me and say you will just be alright

its just a phrase

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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