Name: Jenny Bailey
Meaning: Jenny Means White Shadow. Bailey means Baliff
Nickname(s): Jen
Age: 15 years
Gender: Doe
Birthday: 30th January
Birthplace: Petunia Hospital
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status (Single, Married, etc.): Has a boyfriend
Language(s) spoken: English
Life-Long Dream: To become a professional boxer
Species: Red Kangaroo
Like(s): Sports(especially boxing), the outdoors, insects
Dislike(s): Hights, children
Bad Habit(s): Quite mean to young kids and will tease them.
Hobbies: Most Sports
Fear(s): Hights
Personality: Fun and positive but can be cocky and mean sometimes

Food(s): KitKat
Color(s): Chartreuse
Season(s): Autumn
Time of Day: Dusk
Activities: Sports
Hang-out (dorm, mall, etc.): Gym
Subject: P.E.
Outfits: Gym Clothes

Student Life-

School Name: Pine Hills Secondary School
Field they are going into: Boxing
Study Habits:
Job (if one): None
Clubs (if one): Boxing Club, Football Club, Running Club, Swimming Club, Rugby Club, Martial Arts Club
Best Subject: P.E
Worst Subject: English
Least Favorite Subject: English


Fur Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Body Shape/Build: Muscular
Birth Marks: Beauty mark on cheek below left eye
Jewelry/Piercings/Tattoos: None

Memory (any issues with this?): None
Sight (do you need glasses?): None
Mental (Any problems? Example: depression): None
Physical (Do you take care of your body or harm it? Also include injuries): No major injuries
Sleep patterns (how you sleep and how much rest do you get?): Regular

Family: Her father, Trevor Bailey, her mother Minnie Wren(whereabouts unknown), her grandfather and grandmother, Lister Wren and Lily Wren(maternal (her whereabouts are unknown)), her grandfather and grandmother, Holly Bailey, Mario Bailey(paternal (his whereabouts are unknown), her little sister Cissy Bailey, her aunt and uncle, Bear Wren and Louie Wren(maternal) and their daughter Scarlett Wren and her uncles, Maxi Bailey(dead) and Sandy Bailey(paternal)
Best Friend(s): Poppy Maxwell(Squirrel Doe)
Friend(s): Fluffy Maxwell(Squirrel Buck) and Boots Maxwell(Squirrel Doe)
Crush/Love Interest: None
Rival(s): None

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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