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Rio's POV

My friends and I were talking normally at school
(Kaede, Meg ,and Toka)

Kaede "Wow you two have been dating for like 7 months now"
Meg " How'd you do it?! "
Toka"How far did you go? "
"ughbvcfhh" I tried to dodge their questions
"Soo what color's your toothbrush? "I awkwardly smiled
"oooowwwhhh"The girls said
"she's feeling attacked !"Toka said
"Dodging questions!! "Kaede smiled
"Hahahhaha ok girls thats enough teasing"Meg laughed
I thought it was funny but for some reason I was sweating like crazy

"Oh I almost forgot there's a party Maehara invitede to go and bring some friends" Toka said

"Ohh so you too are dating?! "I smirked getting payback from the suprise spotlight
"That's not the point!! "Toka said being all red
"So it's a mask party so you guys game?" she asked
"Sure when? "Kaede said
"Ohhh sounds fun"Meg smiled
"Girls night out wooh"I said
"Saturday 8 pm"Toka replied
"Let's meet at school maybe 7:15 ?" Kaede said
We all nodded in agreement

Friday night

Wonder what dress should I wear??

Vibrates** Vibrates**

A text message from Karma

"Yo! Date this Saturday? "

"Girls night out with Kaede, Toka and Meg, Sorry babe"I replied


*sigh another date rejection

Ok its ok we'll just go on a date next time

Saturday 8:07

"Wow Toka we never get invited to places like this before"Meg said with a surprised look
"Oh it is all thanks to.. "Toka was interrupted
"Hey ladies like the party? "???
Who is he
The guy took off the mask and its Hiroto?

"Hahahahah there's a dance party in he second floor who wants to join in?" Maehara asked
"HAHA GAME! "Kaede said while being so hype
"Aren't you coming Rio? "Meg asked
"Oh I'll be here for a sec"I said

I texted Karma
"Hey I'm at a party turns out it wasn't a girls night out since Maehara was here"

I was about to follow them when

someone placed a handkerchief on my nose and mouth!! I struggled to get his hands off of me !!
But then I heard chuckles
"Hahahaha I knew you were here"
That voice?!
The grip loosens and I turned around to see Karma
"Gahhhhh don't do that! "I said

Karma laughs while wearing a black suit and tie I thought he looked hot

"Hey where are they? "He asked
"Oh at the dance floor; second floor "I replied
He smirked and said
"Wanna prank them?"He went on devil mode
"Sure"I smirked and went on devil mode too

So we went to the bar at the 2nd floor and sat at the high chairs in front of the bartender

So we left a voicemail to Meg and Karma talked at the phone
"So hey your friend got lost and wondered around the 2nd
And umm she found a bar at the third floor she is wasted drunk right now
I'm going to take her home with me and show her what fun is all about "
"Hey! Thats too much"I said
"But you agreed a while ago"He turned off the voicemail
"Yeah but I didn't think it'll be that far! "I complained
He talked to he bartender
"Hey if you see girls [insert description]
tell them that a this girl [insert description] was drunk and a guy took her home
"Ughh sure "The bartender confusedly agreed!

Later on

"Hey I'm just going to the men's room " Karma said

So I am an underage girl alone in a bar
It's just begging for pedophiles ughhh
And I was right about a guy mid 30's walks up to me
"Hey sweetie you wanna ride home? "he asked
"Ugh I.. "I turned around at the bartender but he was nowhere to be found
"Come on now don't be scared "He smiles
Karma then tackles
And punches him once and the guy passed out
It turns out that the bartender called for the guards to get the pedophile
So minutes passed and we called a cab to get us to the nearest hospital cause Karma knocked the man cold
"Go to the party they said
It'll be fun they said "

At the party

3rd Person's POV

Meg, Toka, and ,Kaede hears the message

"Hey! Thats too much"
"But you agreed a while ago"

"Oh my freaking God!" Meg panicked
They rushed at the second floor and talked to the bartender

(thoughts of the bartender are indented)
"Oh they must be the girls "

"Oh a wasted girl was with a guy like 30 minutes from now"

"No we were too late!! "Meg cried
"She was too young"Toka cried
"I'm too young to be an aunt! "Meg panicked
"Karma is going to be beast mode on us! "Toka Cried
"WEHEHEHEE"Kaede cried
"Rioo!! "Toka cried
"I'm such a bad friend "Kaede cried

"I wasn't paid for this shit"

"Ok shut up!! Crying isn't going to help!!! "

**Vibrates **Vibrates
"I'm at the hospital "

"No its reall!!! "Meg cried even more
"I'M NEVER GOING TO A PARTY EVER AGAIN"Toka cried even harder

"Come on let's call a ride "Toka said while holding back her tears

"I... I would demand a raise after this"


Karma's POV

"It wasn't my fault he was a pedophile "
I said
"Yeah yeah"Rio said

Few minutes later Kaede, Toka,  and Meg ran to Rio with their eyes holding back from tears
"We are so so soryy Rio!? "the girls cried to Rio hugging her tightly

"Ohhhh.... About that.. Um... How should I put this in words... Um that was a prank "I said avoiding eye contact

"heh? "The girls said

So I explained to them that it was just a prank

"Heh?"the girls said
"So it was a prank?So are you really ok?" Toka asked
"Yeah I am"Rio answered
"We know we're sorry! "We apologized
"WHAT WERE YOU GUYS THINKING"Kaede said being beast mode
"We won't do it again?!"We apologized
"ARE YOU CRAZY ?"Toka said while yelling

"Gee first my therapist and now you? "I said while smiling

3rd person's POV
They laugged at Karma's joke and called it a day....

Devil meets his angel in disguise (KARMA X RIO)Where stories live. Discover now