Chapter 4:

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Author's Note:
Welcome to Chapter 4! 😁 I hope you enjoy. I would love to here some of your thoughts and ideas in the comments. SHOUT OUT to MissySaysHi for her book 'Secrets Of Sciles' which was the first ever Sciles fanfic I have ever read. Xxx

Malia's POV:

I can't wait for Stiles to arrive. I've been excited for this camping trip for days. Stiles is literally the best boyfriend ever for doing all of this for me. I'm so lucky to have him. He may be a bit of a hyperactive spaz but he's my hyperactive spaz. Even though tonight is the full moon, I should be fine as long as I am with Stiles. He is my anchor after all.

I start getting dressed and ready as he should be on his way soon to come fetch me. After having a hot shower, I get changed into a white flowing top, a light blue denim jacket, and black jeans. Lydia gave me a pair of her black lace heels to wear but I'm still trying to get use to wearing normal shoes let alone heels, so I grab a pair of blank & white sneakers instead. I then go over to the mirror. I make sure to comb my hair and I apply a thin layer of natural looking makeup that Kira & Lyds taught me to do. I don't usually like wearing make-up but today is a special occasion.

After I finish getting ready, I spray on some of my vanilla scented perfume, 'mmm my favorite!', and grab my bag of clothes heading downstairs to wait for my boyfriend. As if it was fate, the moment I reach the bottom step I hear a knock at the door. I skip toward the door excitedly. Here goes nothing! I open the door to see a very happy looking Stiles standing in the doorway.

"Hello Beautiful." He says before leaning in and giving me a peck on the cheek. "You ready to go?"
I nod, leaning in to give him a light kiss on the lips. "I can't wait." I say. The handsome boy then grabs my bag for me and we walk over to his Jeep. 'This is going to be great!'


As we arrive at the Beacon Hills Reserve, we begin to stroll through the forest hand in hand. The forest smells remind me of the days of when I lived here in my coyote form, immediately making me feel safe and secure. Stiles really does come up with the best plans.

We arrive at the camping spot as the sun begins to go down. "Oh my gosh Stiles. It looks incredible". I say in amazement as I take in the beautiful scene. He even hung lanterns from the trees surrounding the enclosure and put rose petals around the tent. It must have taken him forever.

"How did you do all of this?" I say still in wonder at what I'm seeing.

"Well I got Scott to help me out. He pretty much did the tent himself. I'm not too good at following instructions." He says with a giggle. I don't know why but a spark of anger flares up inside me as Stiles mentions Scott. I'm really starting to get jealous of how much time Stiles spends with Scott. I know that they are best friends and all, but I'm his girlfriend so he should rather spend that time with me. I'm not too sure whether or not this new way of thinking is caused by the nearing full moon.

I go to the tent so I can start unpacking my bag, smelling the vanilla scent as I enter. He really did think of everything. Once I finish unpacking I see Stiles standing by the fire pit igniting the bonfire. He looks so hot as he bites his lip while concentrating on the task. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his chest.
"I love you so much." I say to him. He puts his hands on top of mine and gives me a soft peck on the cheek. "I love you too Mal." He replies with sincerity. We stay like that for a few more moments before he gets up and walks over to the picnic basket laying beside the fire pit.
"I have a surprise for you." He says with a cheeky grin on his face. I watch him with intrigue as he pills out a blanket. He flicks it out on the ground and takes a seat patting the space next to him, indicating for me to come join him. I go sit next to him an wrap my arm around his waist as I do so.
"So what's the surprise?" I ask questioningly, looking at his beautiful pale face.
"I got you something special." He opens up the basket and pulls out two plates and two glasses, a bottle of champagne, some small buttered crispy bread slices, and a container full of potato salad.
"Stiles, you didn't have to do all this." I gratefully point out.
"Just wait, I'm not finished." He says excitedly and puts his hand back inside the basket and brings out a container filled with meat. My eyes light up immediately as I catch the scent. "Is that deer meat?" I ask elated.
"Yip, your favorite!" He says cheerfully.
"You really are the best boyfriend ever!" I say as I start dishing out the food.
"I know." He says smugishly. I playfully roll my eyes at him and then we both begin to eat.

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