Chapter 1

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Broly the legendary super Saiyan had been killed at least three times. Broly came back a fourth time but instead of trying to kill Goku and his friends Broly came to help him fight against an evil known as Majin Buu. The instant Broly land all he could se. All he could see was devastation. As he walked around he found a young boy no older than 10 years old under a chunk of a building. Broly at first thought he was dead and was about to continue walking but the boy tried moving out from underneath the rubble but couldn't. He was surprised at how persistent the boy was. Broly walked over to the boy and asked Why do you continue on trying even though you cant get out? The boy looked at him and said If I give up then my family will be sad and my brother will blame himself for sending me out to look for my sisters. Broly was genuinely surprised at the boys words. Broly grabbed the rubble that was on him and lifted it off him. The boy crawled out from underneath it and said Thank you for saving me. Broly continued on walking. After some time Broly found Goku and Vegeta fighting each other. He landed and began walking towards them. Goku saw Broly and pointed at him stuttering BBroly! Broly pointed at a pink fat looking alien and said You Will Die! He began to charging up and transformed into his Legendary Super Saiyan form and began blasting the alien. Goku and Vegeta saw Broly wasnt fighting them and was fighting Buu. Broly continued to fight Buu as he was explaining way Broly fought and hated Goku but now he was sorry for what he did. Vegeta told everyone too leave the area. Broly told Vegeta I will not leave even if it means I die I will make sure that thing is dead. Vegeta began charging up a blast that would kill anything that was in the vaccinate. Broly was just out of rang but could tell it would kill Vegeta so he knocked Vegeta out and said You have a family Broly has no one. Broly through him far out the way. Broly began to glow he turned to Buu and said Die! As Buu got closer Broly was glowing even more. When Buu was in 100 meters of him Broly began laughing and he exploded. As Broly was dying he said I give you my power protect those you love and care about and destroy those you so wish. With that Broly died again but with a smile.

(Y/N) P.O.V!

I was in my bed sleeping when I heard a voice say I give you my power protect those you love and care about and destroy those you wish. I opened my eyes and looked around trying to find were the voice came from but there was nothing. I sighed and said I'm going crazy. I fell asleep. The next day I woke up and got out of bed sluggishly and went to the bathroom. As I looked in the mirror and my previously dirty blond hair turn completely black and my blue eyes turn black in colour as well. I stared for a while and said My hair just changed colours and also my eyes. I blinked twice be-for saying to myself I hope I don't get in trouble. I got myself ready for school and said as I was eating I might be a little late from school because I am going to the gym. My mom asked (Y/N) when did your hair turn black? I looked at her and said It turned black I think when I was sleeping but to tell you the truth I like how it looks. I finished eating and rushed out the door. I was jogging until I saw someone being robbed. I felt rage flow over me. I ran at the man robbing a girl with blue hair and punched him sending him flying through a trash bin. I began walking towards him and he pulled out a knife and said That was a big mistake boy. He ran at me but it seemed to be slow for some reason. I jumped to the side and roundhouse kicked him into a wall. I walked over to him and clenched my fist and punched him in the gut. He dropped to the ground and I said now go say sorry and Turn yourself into the police because if I find you I picked him up and through him near the lady. He got up and apologised Please forgive me. I walked over to her and asked Are you ok? She looked at me and said Im fine but your eyes there white. I felt the rage leave me and I said I cant see my eyes so don't think they are white. I turned around and was about to run to get to school but the lady said Come to Capsule corp, I want you to meet a few of my friends. I nodded yes and began running as fast as I could. I ran so fast everything was a blur to me. I stopped and I was already at the school. I walked in and saw the hallways were huge. I walked to the teacher and asked Hello sir were is class 1D? He turned and looked at me and said You go straight to the end of the hall and it the class on your right its the last one. I said Thank you. I looked at the clock and saw I have Two minutes be-for school starts. I ran to the end of the hall and went strait the door and knocked on the door. The teacher opened the door and asked Are you the new student? I nodded he said Come in. He went back into the class. I walked in after him. He said Class this is your new student (Y/N) he will be joining you. He then looked at me and said Introduce yourself. I nodded slightly and said My name is (Y/N) and I hope we can get along. The teacher said You can sit anywhere you want. I nodded and went to the nearest seat and sat down. Class wasn't interesting. After the first two periods it was time for PE. We all went outside to the felled. The PE teacher was aggressive. He said Today you're going to learn Baseball split your self's into two teams. The split class split themselves into two teams but there was an uneven number so a girl was left out. He got angry for some reason and walked over to her and said Stupid girl do you not understand a simple instruction! he was about to punch her but I jumped in front of her and said If you want to heart her you'll have to knock me out cold be-for that's happening! He growled and tried to punch to punch me but I just stood there. The moment his fist hit me I began laughing and said If that's what you call a punch then you must be weak and how did you even become a teacher because you know next to nothing. He got angry and tried to punch me again but I cough him fist and started to crush his hand. The headmaster ran to us and said You're fired! I knew you were the ones hurting the kids not them hurting each other. I punched the former PE teachers stomach. I said Now that's a punch. I watched him dropped to the ground holding his stomach. I dropped his arm and said Trash. I turned to the girl and asked Are you ok? She nodded. We were sent home early because of the incident. I walked to Capsule corp and went to the front door. I opened the door and walked in. The lady with blue hair was sitting on a char. I walked in and said Good day you said I should come here after school. She was surprised and to see me. She said My name is Balma and yes please follow me. She began walking I said My name is (Y/N). We went to the back and there was a group of people there. A boy with Purple hair run up to Balma and ask Mom who is that? She said This is (Y/N) I think he can help us. A second boy with spiky hair ran up to me and said That means youre strong. I looked at them confused. Both of them tried to kick me but I caught both their kicks and through them back a bit. A green man began attacking me but I kept blocking them with ease. I asked Balma Am I aloud to fight back? She nodded. I caught a kick from the green man and the spiky haired kid. The purple haired boy punched me. I began laughing and he back away. I through the spiky haired at him and through the green man into the air. I jumped and did a front flip and kicked him straight down. As he hit the ground I landed on him and began walking away when I felt something hit my back. I stopped and turned around to see it was from someone with blue on. I turn to him and began walking to him. His hair turned golden and he said Big Bang Attack! A wave of energy hit me but I kept walking. I was right in front of him and I punched him sending him flying into a wall. I smirked and said Anyone else. They all back away in shock. I said Ill take that as a no. Balma said Trunks, Gotan I think that answers your question now give your father a sensei bean. They ran to the man and I walked over to her and asked What was that he shot at me? She looked at me shocked and said It was a kia blast. I said Oh well I'm sorry if a damaged or hurt anyone. I turned to the green man and said Sorry that I hurt you. He was still holding his stomach. He said My name is Piccolo and Ill be fine. I heard to sets of screaming. I turned to the sound and saw it was the two boys. Their hair turned golden as well. I turned and faced them they began punching me. I stood there and began laughing and I saw a green aura surround me. They backed away Piccolo and the man in blue said at the same time Broly. I continued to laugh. When I stopped I felt stronger and bigger. The three of them ran at me but I just opened my right and there was a dark green ball forming in my hand. Trunks blasted my face but I caught it and said I don't want to fight more so don't attack me and I wont attack you. They looked at me shocked. The ball vanished and I asked What do you need help with? They began explaining what's going on about Majin Buu. I said where do I sign.

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