Chapter 4

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I woke early and went and did my exercises and after that I went and got ready for school. I went to Akena and checked if she was awake and I heard the shower being turned on. I walked over to the kitchen and began making breakfast. I heard footsteps behind me so I grabbed Reaper and pointed the blade behind me. I didnt look and said Goku if youre ask me to go back with you I will hurt you and you know after I killed those thugs I cant let anyone come close so go or I will hurt you and tell the others Im sorry. I felt arms wrap around me. I asked Akena it was you behind me wasnt it? She asked What happened that you killed someone? I felt a tear fall from my eyes and said I had stopped a thug from rubbing a weapon but he tried to get revenge but I beat him and his friend up. So he sent men to kidnap my mother and sister which I found out and beat the ever living hell out of him and their boss didnt like that so he killed my family. I felt my anger get the better of me and I killed him and his crew but three friends of my friends tried stopping me but I attacked them as well but I didnt kill them. She had a look of shock on her face I said I dont let anyone near me because Im a fried they might get hurt and now you probable think Im a monster and will hate me. I finished making breakfast and eat it be-for saying if you want you can tell UA I wont hold it on you. She said I wont tell UA and its ok I dont hate you or think youre a monster. I said Thank you. We went to class and it went as normal as it can be to me. After school I went home and waited for tomorrow when we take our first step to being heroes. I went to sleep. The next day I took Reaper and went to UA. I was walking when I saw Midoriya about to fall so I rushed at him at top speed catching him. He looked at me shocked and asked (Y/N) howd you do that? I said Im fast thats it and havent you heard its bad luck to fall on the first day of school. I turned and saw I had dropped Reaper. I sighed and said Reaper come. Then Reaper appeared in my hand and said Lets go I want to see what we have to do.

Time Skip to changing room.

I was busy taking of my shirt and changed my paints to something Broly would wear. Walked out and got ready. The moment I heard the word go I went super Saiyan and went at my top speed going around taking out robots with one punch each. I had taken out 80 present of the robots when I felt the ground shake. I saw a giant robot with a zero on it. I was about to leave it alone till I heard two sets of screams. I rushed saw the robot about to step on Akena and someone else till I teleported in front of them and stopped them from being crushed. I said I Had enough of you now do me a favour and roll over and die. I through it up into the air and then went LSSJ and used Double Eraser cannon and hit. I said I wont let you hurt the best thing to happen to me since my family died. I charged up to my max and grabbed Reaper and went around killing anything that was robotic and when time was over I went back to normal Akena walked over to me and asked Is it true what you just said about me? I felt my face heat up and I said Yes it is true.

Time Skip to when the villains attack.

Akena and I had become even closer. We were doing a test till a group of villains attacked. I was busy taking out a lot of villains but Akena was hurt so I had to defend her. I kicked two guys sending them flying giving me time to grab Akena and teleport away. I was hiding by the entrance. I said Akena please stay hidden I dont want to lose someone I love. I turned and saw a man with who looked like he was made of a dark gas. I tried blocking his attack but he hit me hard enough to send me flying. I hit the ground and tried to get in front of him and again but he hit me away again. He said It looks like we have love birds right here it would be a shame if someone were to. He stabbed her through the hart and said Die. I rushed to Akenas side and said Akena no dont die please dont please I love Akena please dontAkenaAKENA! I began crying. I stood up and turned to him and said You just killed my girlfriend I hope you know that you just brock me. I charged up to Legendary Super Saiyan 8 and began walking towards him. I pulled out reaper and said Reap his soul and torcher his soul for eternity. I rushed him and plunged my sword through the centre of his body he began shouting in pain and I looked in his eyes and said You just killed the reason that stopped me from killing. I pulled Reaper out slowly and he kept screaming in pain. I watched as his body materialised and dropped died. I turned to the other villains and went on a killing spree. I killed almost all of them and walked over to who looked like the leader. I felt a pain in my heart. I walked over to him covered in blood and said You are not going to leave this place alive. I teleported in front of him and slashed his chest open and said I dont care if I get in trouble I will kill you. I stabbed my blade in his stomach and slowly pushed it up and it up to his neck then too his head or the top of his head. When I was done I walked to the left over villains and continued killing any villain I found not caring if anyone saw. After I had killed every villain I walked to All Might and said There is one villain left if you dont take it out I will kill it. I walked passed him to Akena and knelled down next to her and said Im sorry I wasnt strong enough to protect you and for braking my promise. I picked her up and walked out. I walked to the medics and said Im sorry Akena please forgive me. Good Bye. I put her down on a bed and walked away. I was still in LSSJ8 but I didnt care. I walked to her parents house and knocked on the door going back to bass form. The door opened and her mother said full of joy Hey (Y/N). I felt a tear going down my checks and she asked Whats wrong? I asked Is your husband home? She nodded and I asked May I speak to both of you? She said Y-yeah come in. I walked in and the two of them looked at me warried. I said What Im about to say is hard but youryour daughter isis dead. I put my face in my hands and began crying. Her mother began crying and her husband tried comfort her but failed. He asked HowHow did she die? I said Villains attacked and I tried protecting her but I wasnt strong enough. I said I will leave I know you need some time. I got up and walked away and said Goodbye. I walked out and went home. As I was walking I still felt a pain in my heart and I was walking using the wall for support. A group of thiefs walked over to me and said Man he must be drunk. Another one said Yeah this will be an easy grab. I grabbed one of them by the head and smashed him into the ground and pulled out Reaper and said Please make my day wears. They grabbed the guy and ran away. I put Reaper away and walked home. When I got home I went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of bear and began drinking it. I went to the couch and sat down and continued. I had drank 9 bottles of bear until I heard someone ask (Y/N) what are you doing? I looked at the source of the voice to see Goku, Vegeta and Gohan. I said Go away I dont want to hear it so go away. I shot a Blaster Shell at them but they stopped it. I continued drinking not caring anymore. Gohan snatched the bottle out my hand but I got up and kicked him sending him into a wall and I caught the bottle and sat down and continued. Vegeta asked Why are you so sad you are a Saiyan arent you? I got up and said I just watched my girlfriend die in front of me you I kicked him through a wall and sat down again. Gohan was about to attack me but stopped and stared at me while I had a tear go down my check. He walked over to the fridge and got out a bottle and sat next to me and said Im sorry for your lose. I finished my bottle and said Sorry for attacking you. I asked What are you guys doing he I got interrupted by Vegeta punching me hard into the kitchen. I got up and walked over to the fridge and took out a bottle and began drinking it. Vegeta asked What The Hell Why Arent you Attacking me? I said Whats the point. I continued to drink. I said Im going to sleep dont eat my food or touch my things. I went up steers and went to my room and went to sleep but not be-for saying Im just weak, Im sorry Akena.

That's it I'm sorry I was late just had a problem. Please tell me what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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