Stranger's Kiss

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It happened in just a blink of the eye. I don't remeber having a boyfriend.

My first kiss.

Got stolen by a stranger by a blink of the eye. OMYGOD! My first kiss!

I just stood here on my spot with my eyes wide opened from the shock. I don't know why. I should be slapping this boys face this time but, I can't move. I feel like they pour a cement all over my body.

My train of thoughts got cut off when I saw the boy leaving. I snapped back to reality. I followed him making a heavy step.

How could he? He just kissed a stranger and just went off like it's the most normal thing to do? WHAT THE!

"Stop right there jerk!!" I shouted while still following him but he didn't even return a glance at me. This guy is getting on my nerve!! "ARE YOU DEAF?! I SAID STOP RIGHT THERE, YOU ASSHOLE!!" Then he quickly turned around with an eye ranging with anger.

"WHAT DID YOU CALLED ME?!" Wow. Who is he to have the right to shout at me?! I saw him walked towards me. He's scary but I must compose myself. I put both of my hands on my waist and stared at him straight in the eye. "Repeat what you said earlier!!"

"What?! That you're a jerk?! or the other one? That you're an Asshole!" I said not caring about the people who passes by us.

We just stared at me straight in the eye, so did I. No one brake it until I rolled my eyes and spoke.

"Why did you do that? And aren't you feel ashamed? You just kissed a stranger!" I asked. He just gave me a smirk. A I-don't-care smirk

"You should be thankful because I kissed you. A handsome boy just kissed you."

This boy is really getting on my nerve. Should I show him that he's messing with the wrong one? HA! I smirked back at him. I went near his ears then whispered

"I think you're messing with the wrong person mister." Then I kicked his thing. I don't care about his future.

He hold his thing and shouted out of pain. "AAAAAHHH!! YOU- GET BACK HERE!!" Tss. As if I would. I continued walking.

I don't know where to go. I'm mad! That jerk!! I just let my feet lead me somewhere. As long as it's not home.


Evening. It's 7:30 already but I'm still here in the park. This is where my feet brought me.


"I really am lucky." I talked to myself full of sarcasm.

Riiing! Riiing!

I fished out my phone in my bag. I checked the caller I.D.

Kyungsoo Oppa~ <3

I slid the green button on my screen and put it in my ear.


[Soo? Where are you?]

"Uhm. Just.. here and there." then I giggled. I heard him sighed. I know my brother is worried about me.

[Where are you? I'm going to fetch you. Mom is not here anymore so you can go home now.]

"Ok Oppa. I'm here in the park's playground near Baekhyun Oppa's subdivision."

[Ok. Just stay there Ok? Oppa will be there.] then he hanged up.

After I heard him said that, I feel relieve. I don't hate my mom. I just hate the things she wanted us to do. She's a not this insensitive before but she changed after our father died.

It didn't took long for me to wait. Oppa came rushing towards me with worried look. Well, this is how caring he is. He gave me a big hugged that I returned back.

"Don't ever runway like that, Ok?" he muttered still not braking the hug



We drove home. No one spoke until we went home. I know he wanted to talked about what happened, he just looking for a good timing.

I know him, of course. He's my brother.

We went inside our house. We ate and washed up. 9:00PM. He's still not talking to me, I'm getting worried now. Kyungsoo Oppa isn't like this unless he's mad.

I can't sleep with this thought. I stood up to go to Oppa's room for a talk. I knocked then opened the door.

"Oppa~" but he's not there

I went down to look for him.

Living Room- X

Kitchen - X

Game Room - X

Garden - Oh! There he is.

I slid the glass door and walked towards him. He's just staring at sky while lying on the grass with his hands under his head.

"Wanna talk?" He spoke still not looking at me.

"Oppa~" I calles him cutely. This is my greatest weapon to my Oppa

"Don't act cutely. I hate you. You made me worried." He just plainly said. I pouted then copied what he was doing.

"Sorry Oppa. I just.. just can't take it. When mom said that I-" he cut me off

"Don't worry Soo. You fiancé is a good guy. I'm against it at first, because my little sister is going to marry just for the sake of our company. But after Mom told me who he was I felt somewhat relieved."

I don't know what to say. My brother who always on my side said this to me. I somewhat feel betrayed.

He noticed my aura darkening so he put my head on his arms and hugged me.

"Don't worry Min Soo. I'll talk to mom to give you time so that you could get to know your fiancé before marriage. If you really don't fall for him just tell Oppa. Ok?" He said while shaking my arms with his palm.

I nodded and giggled. My Oppa is really the best.

"Oh! May I know his name Oppa? Is it Baekhyun Oppa?" I asked him

He chuckle then smiled. "No. His name is Kim Jongin."

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