Pizza My Heart

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Camila can't remember exactly when her obsession with pizza began. It's been going on for too long.

Delicious melted cheese, soft yet crispy dough... Camila doesn't understand why anyone wouldn't be obsessed. Plus, they're so customisable! No matter what mood she's in, there is always a pizza topping that fits the situation perfectly.

As far as Camila is concerned, pizza is the best thing ever created (well, along with bananas), and her love for it began years ago.

So, no, she can't remember the exact moment that her obsession with pizza began, but she can remember when her obsession with the pizza delivery girl began.

It was four months ago.

Camila and Ally had just moved into a new apartment together, leaving their old one after Normani and Dinah decided - since they'd been dating for a while - that they wanted to find a place of their own.

It had taken a little while to get used to the others not being around. After all, the four of them had previously lived together for two years (and life was a lot quieter without Dinah around 24/7).

The two of them had been living in their new place for a few weeks when Ally went to visit Troy, leaving Camila alone for the weekend.

Ally had only been gone for around three hours, but Camila was bored out of her mind.

She'd already watched Tangled, scrolled through tumblr, and counted the number of drips per minute that were released from the leaky kitchen tap. As she lay on the couch, deliberating what to do next, her stomach growled. Camila knew better than to fool herself into thinking she was going to bother cooking dinner for one. Therefore, she grabbed her phone and did what she did best: ordered pizza.

Since moving, they hadn't tried many of the local pizza places, so Camila picked the first one on the list - a place called Speedy's - and figured that over time they'd try a few to discover which was the best.

As soon as she hung up, she dreamt of her pizza's arrival. There were lots of things she was expecting from this delivery. (For instance, a delicious carb overload.)

However, when she opened the door 30 minutes later, she wasn't expecting the captivating pair of green eyes that met her, and she really wasn't expecting for those eyes to belong to the most beautiful person she'd ever seen in her life.

It took her more than a few seconds to realise the stranger was speaking, looking slightly confused since the pizza was still unclaimed and in her hand, "Pepperoni pizza for Camila? Have I got the right place?"

It occurred to Camila that her name had never sounded so good before, and she sort of wished she could play that sentence on loop forever. Camila found herself nodding slowly, her mind in a complete daze as the melodic sound of the stranger's voice filled her ears. A slight pang of disappointment ran through her when she realised the girl had stopped speaking.

She had no idea why her brain decided her next move was a good idea (she assumed it was temporarily dumbstruck by the ridiculously attractive human being in front of her), but the word left her mouth before she could stop it, "Pupperoni."

An eyebrow raised in confusion, the delivery girl paused before responding, "Excuse me?"

Oh my god. What the hell am I doing?!

Camila smiled nervously, wondering how the hell she could come out of this without looking like a complete idiot. She decided it was probably impossible, but the silence had already extended for far too long. "Erm... I meant, what sort of pizza is a dog's favourite? But, well, I sort of said the answer already. Pupperoni. I am so sorry. It's been a long day and -- "

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