Sachiko Akiyama

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The sound of the bell dinging in the distance indicated that class was finally over. Almost every one of the students jumped up, whooping and quickly getting their things, and ran out of the room. It was the end of the day and everyone was excited to go to his or her afterschool activities and clubs.

A lone girl stood up from her seat, pulling a fallen black strand of hair back. Straightening her uniform down, she began to organize her binder and her papers. After the task was finished, she walked over to the closet that was in the far right of the room in the corner at the back. Today, it was her turn to clean up the classroom, usually there would've been two people on cleaning duty, but her partner hadn't come to school due to the flu. Therefore, it was just herself cleaning the room. After finishing cleaning the entire classroom, the sun has already set creating a splash of mixed colors to appear over the sky and little stars flickering and dotting over the sky. Putting the cleaning products away in the closet again, she gave the classroom a onceover to make sure she didn't miss any spots. After deeming it was good enough, she grabbed her binder and left the room after closing the door behind her.

Her long black hair swished side to side as she walked down the corridor, heels clacking against the floor creating an ominous sound echoing throughout the corridor. Her golden brown eyes swished around, noticing the sudden quietness in the corridor. Usually there would still be students hanging around in the corridor, but it's unusually quiet and empty of students today. She fumbled with her binder, occasionally switching her binder to one hand then to another.

She stopped immediately, frozen, when the sound of something falling and clattering onto the ground echoed. Her breathing became shallow and her heartbeat began to quicken as the fear and adrenaline started to pump through her veins. She slowly turned her head around with her wide eyes, filled to the brim with fear, swishing around to see the fallen object. She saw nothing. Nothing that showed something had fell and clattered behind her. With a sigh of relief, she turned around.

The next thing she knew, a loud piercing scream echoed throughout the corridor. Eventually she realized that the scream was coming from her. Her binder had clattered to the floor nosily but she could care less, both of her hands were covering her head in a somewhat protective way. Due to the fear that built up from the sound of something falling and creating a noise behind her, and the terror she had right now. It pushed her over her limits and she began to cry. Tears streamed down her pale cheeks as a sob tore through her lips; she had squatted down laying her head on her knees and holding herself tightly as if it would give her comfort.

The sound of laughter and snickers coming all around her made her look up. Through blurred eyes, she saw eight figures surrounding her. There was five male figures and three female figures, and they all were laughing at her. "Geez, I never knew you were such a baby, Sachiko," One of the females sneered at her as they all snickered. "That wasn't funny!" Sachiko yelled as she profusely rubbed her eyes with the sleeves of her uniform. ""Ah come on, it was just a prank." One of the boys said. "Like what Daichi said, it was just a prank, Sachiko. So stop being such a baby." Another girl spoke out, "Yeah, alright." Sachiko spat out as she grabbed her binder and got up from her fetal position. "I'm going," with that, Sachiko tried to walk around them only to be stop in her tracks. "Whoa, whoa, hold up. Why the rush?" Another person spoke up as he stepped toward her. "I have things to do and places to go," Sachiko stated in a deadpanned voice. "Ah come on," another person whined as he slung one arm around Sachiko's shoulders. "Why don't you spend just a little bit more time with us, hm?" He whispered into her ear in a somewhat perverse way. Disgust showed visibly on Sachiko's face as she threw his imposing arm from her shoulders. "Not with the likes of you, pervert," Sachiko spat out. "Don't say that," another person spoke out. "We just want to spend time with you," Sachiko turned around to glare at him. "Why would I want to waste my time on all of you? Besides, don't act as if we all are buddy, buddy with each other, cause we aren't." A girl fake sniffed and wiped her cheek as if she was really wiping a tear away. "Ouch, that really hurt my feelings, Sachiko. We really just wanted to spend time with you; you didn't have to be a jerk about it." Sachiko had enough of this crap; she pushed one person away, because they were in her way, and proceeded to walk down the corridor. A disruption of protest erupted behind her but she could care less.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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