I remembered about a year ago, on December, I was with Tana Mongeau. Being the youngest didn't mean Logan and Jake couldn't let me party in Las Vegas. Well I was supervised. There in a party I stumbled across Tana Mongeau. She was a good looking blonde. At that time we hanged around.
I didn't know her like that and those racist comments. She told me about her show in San Francisco. I decided to accompany her to her own show....
"Can you wait here?" She asked me.
I nodded as I leaned to the white wall. There stood a couple of buff bodyguards in front of a double door.
'Maybe there's where the VIP members will be entering.'
I wanted to find some background on my new friend. I search her name up on twitter.
I immediately saw all of the non appropriate tweets.
When she came in I stayed silent and kept my eyes on my phone. I kept scrolling down into I found a post that was directed to some YouTuber called Idubbz. It was drama about he says the n-word and thinks he's all that.
Suddenly the doors flung open. There stood a guy with a huge forehead with glasses. Next to him was a average girl. And in her hand was a phone. Maybe recording.
Then it hit me.
That was Idubbz.
In her show.
I turned to look at Tana but she looked startled by their presence.
"Hey Tana I would like to take a picture with you." He said breaking the silence.
I figured she'd have to apologize for telling him to kill himself.
The brown hair girl who accompanied him stood in front recording.
I felt something bad will happen.
They stood and posed for a picture like fan meets idol but it wasn't the same atmosphere.
"Say n-" Before he said it I left the too people was looking at me and I wasn't the only one leaving.
I was at the parking lot. After that I'm not talking to Tana. How is she going to say those comments but get trigger when another person does the exact thing.
I was looking for my car until I saw the white kid.
" You're Logan's sister right?" He asked.
I nodded and noticed that the girl wasn't there.
" I'm Ian." He said.
"well you already know who I am." I tried to cut the conversation short.
I opened my car and began to go on.
He then gripped my arm.
I winced. I was afraid.
"I'll wait for you." He let go.
"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"If I cannot have you no one will." He walked away leaving me thinking.
My phone rang. It was an unknown caller.
"Hey y/n." The anonymous voice said.
I recognized him.
"Ian?" I questioned.
"RiceGum is not your type." With that he hanged up.
I panicked and called Jake.
I was sent to voicemail.
I called Logan.
I was sent to voicemail.
So I called the person who was available.

PAUL (RiceGumXReader)
Fanfiction"Welcome back with a new video, we'll be doing a reaction session where you tag me in, and I react." I clicked on a video that one of my watcher's tagged me in. "okay, @REXLUZ I'll check this link out..." I played the video.