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It took a while, but four years later I had clean skin, long and now blonde hair

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It took a while, but four years later I had clean skin, long and now blonde hair. I started using makeup, and I lost so much weight. I went from 178 lbs. to 110! Oh yea And I. had my high school diploma!

I went from a nerdy girl who no one knew, to the most popular girl in school and also a cheerleader captain. I gained a ton of followers not from my brother (mainly because I didn't tell him I made an account for any social media), but also of vines I made with Skylar.
(Y/N: Rip Vine😭🙏)

I haven't seen any of my family or friend back home and I was about to surprise them all at the Lynch's home. When I greeted my parents they were shocked. They complimented me endlessly and suggested I didn't tell Ellington that I was going to the Lynch's right now, as they wanted to see his reaction as well.

Me and my parents were now at the Lynch house and I walked right inside just like I always do. Stormie and Mark were at a business meeting for the band for the weekend so they didn't see me come in obviously.

I reached the door which led into the band room and after a deep breath, walked in.

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